Chapter 23:Bumps In The Road

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HA! The comments about the last "chapter" had me laughing so hard! I got y'all good! XD. Just to make this abundantly clear, the last chapter titled 'Bumps in the Road' is completely NOT real. It was 100% an April Fools joke. Everything you read in that chapter did NOT happen. (But I do want to touch upon the cultural differences between Aang and Katara).

Anyways, enjoy the chapter, and I promise this isn't a troll chapter ;)


Thursday, September 3rd.

"I need your help, Sugar Queen,"

"What's up?" Katara asked, a little annoyed that she couldn't kiss Aang anymore.

"Come with me," Toph said as she grabbed Katara's wrist and tugged on it. She looked at Aang, silently asking him if he was okay with it.

"Go, text me when your practice is over so I can take you home," Aang said while getting up.

"Okay, I love you," Katara said as she stood up on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek.

"I love y-" Aang started, but was cut off by Toph.

"Yeah, yeah, you love birds love each other, let's go," Toph ordered as she dragged Katara away. Aang grabbed his stuff and headed over to the other side of the track where the team always starts their warm-ups.

"What's going on, Toph?" Katara asked curiously. Toph let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and thought, "Here we go..."

"How do I look?" She asked. Katara raised her eyebrow and examined her outfit. She was wearing no shoes, sweats, and a green shirt with the earth bending insignia on it.

"Umm, you look great," Katara said with a nervous chuckle.

"I can tell you're lying," Toph growled before blowing the bangs off of her face.

"Oh yeah... sorry," Katara apologized. Toph let out a sigh.

"Why are you asking how you look?" Katara asked curiously.

"Because Haru and I are supposed to hang out after his tennis practice and I wanted to look good," Toph confessed, making Katara smile.

"No! Nuh-uh! Don't say something girly!" Toph demanded.

"But Toph! Look, now that you're finally caring about your looks, I can finally teach you how to be a girl!" Katara said with excitement.

"I already know how to be a girl! I just need to... well you know... I need new outfits and..." She trailed off, feeling embarrassed.

"Aaaand?" Katara teased.

"I want you to teach me how to put makeup on," Toph admitted. Katara let out a little squeal.

"Aww, Toph! Can Suki help too?" Katara exclaimed while jumping up in excitement.

"Ugh, I guess," Toph said reluctantly.

"Okay, okay, can we come over to your house Saturday? Suki and I are going to throw away your whole closet and get you brand new clothes! And new makeup products!" Katara said excitedly.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, I don't want a complete makeover, I just want some tips," Toph said, not liking the idea of throwing away all over her clothes.

"Come on, Toph! Haru will faint if he saw you in a cute outfit!" Katara argued.

"Hmmm," Toph said, thinking whether it was a good idea or not.

"You're naturally beautiful, Toph! Imagine if you put effort into your outfits? He'll go crazy!" Katara argued, hoping her best friend would say yes. Toph smiled because she knew she was telling the truth.

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