Chapter 16:Just The Two of Us(Lemon alert)

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This entire chapter is lemon aka sexual content so if you feel uncomfortable reading this you don't have to read it because it is mostly them doing each other *******.

The lovers woke up bright and earthy at 7:00 am. They both had a huge smile on their face and thought, "today's the day." Katara got out of bed and walked to the kitchen with a hop in her step. She found Gran about to prepare breakfast. She walked towards Gran who was currently looking in the fridge for ingredients. Gran heard her granddaughter and turned around.

"You woke up happy and early," Gran said with a warm smile.

"Yeah, I just wanted to ask if I could go to Aang's house today?" Katara asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Hmmm, just you alone?" Gran asked curiously.

"Yeah," Katara replied, hoping she'd say yes.

"Is Gyatso going to be there?" Gran asked. Katara's face fell slightly. This was not going the way she hoped.

"," she said while looking somewhere else. She knew lying to Gran would make things worse, so she stuck with the truth.

"Hmmm," Gran said, not sure whether to let her granddaughter go.

"Pleeease?" Katara pleaded. Gran sighed and smiled

"Okay, I guess you could go. It makes me comfortable that Aang's a monk. Just don't get into trouble," Gran said while turning back around. Katara was happy at first, but she knew that Aang wasn't a monk. And If Gran found out on her own, she'd be in big trouble.

"Thank you so much, Gran. But... Aang decided he doesn't want to be a monk anymore. He was going to tell you yesterday, but he was too busy." Katara said, hoping everything Gran's answer will still be yes. Gran turned back around and raised an eyebrow.

"Thank you for telling the truth. But now I don't know if you should go. You two are still very young," Gran said, feeling a bit bad when she saw Katara's face fall.

"Please?" Katara pleaded again. Gran paused for a moment, contemplating what her decision should be. Gran sighed and spoke.

"Fine, I still think you're too young to be doing any funny business with Aang. But your great grandmother told me the same thing, and I didn't listen. And your father didn't listen to me either. So I know you probably won't listen, it's what teenagers do. But promise me you'll have protected sex," Gran said bluntly. Katara blushed out of embarrassment.

"Gran! I'm not going to Aang's house to have sex!" Katara said, trying to hide her blush with her hands.

"Yeah, but I'll bet you kids will do other stuff," Gran said while crossing her arms. Katara looked at Gran and couldn't read out her expression. Katara tried to argue, but she knew she couldn't lie to Gran. Gran chuckled and put her hand on her granddaughter's shoulder.

"That's what I thought. Now, promise me you won't let Aang pressure you into anything. Be selfish. Do only what you want and make it clear to him." Gran said sternly.

"I promise," Katara replied truthfully.

"Good, also promise me when you two do have sex, make sure he wears a condom," Gran said bluntly. Katara blushed again and covered her face with her hands.

"Gran! Okay, okay I promise. I promise. Please stop," Katara said, embarrassed. Gran chuckled and nodded. Katara went back to her room with a smile on her face. She took out her phone and saw a text from Aang.

"Gyatso said yes! When do you want me to pick you up?"

"How are you going to pick me up without Gyatso's car?"

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