Chapter 7:A Day at Aang's House

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Aang woke up at 7:30 am with a giant smile on his face. He needed his house to look presentable for his friends. He took a shower and went through his regular routine. After he finished eating breakfast he went back to his room and cleaned it. He made sure it was spotless. He wasn't a slob or anything, but he was a boy at the end of the day. He made sure his house and his room smelled really nice for his friends, well mostly for Katara. After he finished cleaning his house, he went outside to feed his 10-ton flying bison.

"Hey buddy, I'm going to have friends over today. Will you take us flying?" Aang said with a warm smile. Appa let out a deep roar that meant 'YES!'. Appa was a gentle beast, and he loved to go flying.

"Awesome! I can't wait until my friends see you. Their reaction is going to be so funny." Aang said while airbending hay in front of his friend so he could eat it.

"My crush is coming over too, buddy. Will you help me impress her?" Aang said, sitting down in a chair that was about 3 feet to Appa's right. The bison let out another deep roar in agreement.

"Her name is Katara. Beautiful name isn't it? Just wait until you see her, she's breathtaking. And she's so much fun to be around." Aang said in a dreamy voice. Appa finished his meal and licked his friend from head to toe.

"Appa! I'm happy you're excited to meet her too, but now I have to take a shower again," Aang said while laughing. He wiped the saliva off of his face and gave an affectionate scratch on his friend's cheek.

"Alright, buddy, I'll be out in a few hours with my friends," Appa let out another deep roar and laid down to relax. Aang went back inside to freshen up.

Katara woke up around 9:30 am. Just like her future boyfriend, she woke up with a giant smile on her face. Ever since she met Aang, she's been looking forward to the next day every day. It seemed like every new day was better than the last, and she loved it. She got up and went through her usual routine. While she was brushing her hair, she couldn't help but think about what kind of animal Appa was. "He said it's his animal guide. He was able to take Aang to the south pole, which means it can swim, or it can fly. What animal could it be?" She thought with the gears working in her head. She couldn't come up with a guess and decided to distract herself. "I want to work on my house for Aang and me. Is Sokka up?" She asked herself while setting her brush down and getting up to go to her brother's room.

"WHAT? HOW DID HE NOT DIE?!" Sokka yelled. Katara giggled and knocked on the door.

"Come in," Sokka said in a much calmer voice. His sister opened the door and saw her brother shooting aliens.

"I'M SO DONE WITH THIS ZUKO! WHY DID THEY MAKE HALO 2 ON LEGENDARY SO HARD?!" Sokka yelled at the T.V. His sister let out another giggle.

"Can I play Minecraft? I thought it was really fun yesterday," She said nervously. Before yesterday, she thought videogames were for boys and she couldn't see herself playing. However, it seemed like Aang was rubbing off on her. She loved how Aang tried new things, and she wanted to do that herself. Sokka raised his eyebrow at her request and said goodbye to Zuko on his mic.

"Uhh sure, I wasn't having fun playing Halo anyway," He said while unplugging his mic from his controller and handing it over to her. Sokka got up and flopped on his bed and passed the time on his phone.

"Thanks," She said with a grin on her face. She grabbed the controller and sat down on her brother's gaming chair. She entered the world that they were playing yesterday and went to work. She grabbed materials and resources for her house while asking Sokka a billion questions that started with, "How do I..." and "Is there any..." and "What is that?"

During her resource gathering, she thought, "Aang's going to love this. I wish he had an Xbox too so we could play together." After almost an hour of playing, she saw that it was nearly 11:20 and decided to get off. She left her room and decided to pick a new outfit because her brother's scent rubbed off on her and she didn't want to smell bad for Aang.

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