Chapter 6:The Dinner

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Today was the day, it was finally the day Aang would go to Katara's house and meet her family. Aang was a bit nervous because of what Katara told him, "He's overprotective. He's going to poke you with questions, so just be prepared." Aang thought when he woke up at 7:30 am. Although he was nervous, he was also excited. He wanted to meet her family, because maybe, just maybe, they will accept him into the family too. He always wanted a family, a sibling to talk to. A sibling to bicker with just like Katara and Sokka do. He didn't have many clothes, but he did have a very nice flannel and khakis. Gyatso gifted him this gray and black flannel when they first moved to Ba Sing Se and he planned on wearing it to Katara's house. The plan was to visit the sibling's house at 4:00 pm so Aang could practice basketball with Sokka, and once their practice was over, he would go inside and eat dinner with their family.

Aang got out of bed and went on his usual routine. He showered, brushed his teeth, shaved his head, and ate breakfast. He finished around 8:20 am and went to the living room to watch some T.V. and relax. Gyatso was at work so he had the whole house to himself. "I wonder what Katara's dad is going to ask me... Katara said he just wants to know if I'm a bad influence or not. I just need to be myself." Aang thought while he watched T.V.

Meanwhile, at Katara's house. She woke up at 10:00 am feeling a bit groggy and very excited and anxious at the same time. "Finally, today Aang comes over," She thought while still in bed. She stared at the ceiling with her hands behind her head. She was daydreaming about her and Aang being together. Going on dates, cuddling every night, messing around with each other, laughing, and smiling. She did this for what seemed like forever, but only 30 minutes passed. She finally decided to get out of bed and freshen up. She took an extra long shower, brushed her teeth a little bit longer, put on a bit more deodorant, and ate breakfast. The only people home were Gran and Sokka. Her father had work today, but he gets off at 5:30 pm, just in time to eat dinner with Aang. By now it was 11:30 am and she went to the living room where Gran was getting ready to leave.

"Where are you going, Gran?" Katara asked as she watched her grandmother pick up her purse from the living room table.

"The store, I need to get some ingredients for dinner." She answered with her purse around her shoulder.

"Oh, what are you cooking?" She asked curiously.

"I wanted to cook spaghetti, but I already made that the other day. So I decided to make meatloaf for us. For Aang, I'm going to make my famous noodles, fried rice, and some salad to go on the side." She answered.

"Oh! Make some noodles and fried rice for me too! They taste ssooooo good," She said with her mouth salivating. Gran chuckled at her granddaughter's request.

"I will sweetie, I'll be back in an hour or two. Love you, be good." Gran said while walking towards the front door.

"I love you too, and I will," She said while turning on the T.V. She began watching Pretty Little Liars, after merely 15 minutes of watching T.V, she grew bored. It seemed like time was passing so slow because she couldn't wait until dinner. In the back of her mind, she knew that what her grandmother said was true, "Don't worry, everything will turn out okay, you'll see," She thought as she turned off the T.V and went to her room. On her way to her room, she heard her phone go off and she looked to see who it was. Once she found out it was from her future boyfriend, she squeaked and jumped on her bed. She was laying on her stomach with her feet in the air with a giant smile on her face.

"I'm so excited for today! I'm alone at the house right now and I feel like I'm waiting for foreverrrrrr lol"

"I know how you feel. I felt like I was watching T.V for 2 hours, but It was only 15 minutes lol"

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