Chapter 10:The Date:Part 1

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Aang was the first to wake up, he was always an early riser. It was 7:20 and once he opened his eyes he saw that he was spooning his girlfriend. "I thought I fell asleep while being a little spoon? We must have changed positions during our sleep," He thought with a smile. He thought about waking up Katara, but he remembered how she hates mornings, so he decided against it. He spent the next 20 minutes enjoying his girlfriend's warmth and comfort. Once it was 7:40 am, he got up slowly and made sure not to wake up Katara. Once he was out of bed, he walked out of her room and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. After he was finished he walked out of the bathroom and smelled pancakes. He went to the kitchen and found Gran cooking.

"Good morning, Gran! The pancakes smell delicious," He said with an upbeat attitude. He stood next to her and looked at the pancakes.

"Morning, Aang. breakfast won't be ready until another half hour. Do you usually wake up at this time?" Gran said with a warm smile.

"Yeah, I'm a morning person, but I can tell Katara isn't," He said with a chuckle, earning a laugh from Gran.

"That's right. Sokka and Hakoda are the same, they got it from my husband," She informed.

"Oh, what is your husband's name?" Aang asked curiously.

"Pakku, he passed away a few years ago," Gran said in a sad tone.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Aang said in a soft voice.

"It's okay, I know he's with me in spirit," She replied.

"The monks said that death isn't the end. Their spirit lives in our hearts and they'll always be with us," Aang said. Gran stopped cooking and looked up to him.

"You're very wise for your age. How old are you?" She asked with a warm smile.

"I'm turning 16 this Saturday," He replied.

"Really? We have to do something," Gran said with more excitement.

"Katara said she wanted a party here. I like big celebrations, but not for me," He replied.

"We can definitely have a party here. We can invite Katara's friend group and that's it," Gran said while she returned to cooking again.

"We call ourselves the Gaang. Sokka came up with it," He said with a little laugh.

"That sounds like Sokka, but why Gaang?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Gang and Aang. It made sense." He said, earning a chuckle from Gran.

"Oh, that's clever. So what do you like to do for your birthday parties?" She asked.

"Umm, well I've really never celebrated my birthday, but I love to dance, play games, and just have fun." He responded.

"Great! Hakoda and I will get working on it," She said.

"I appreciate it, but you don't have to spend so much time and effort on my birthday," He said with a smile.

"Nonsense, in this family we celebrate! You're family too," She reminded him.

"Thank you so much, I'll get out of your hair. I need to meditate anyway," He said as he turned around.

"Meditate? You do that?" Gran asked curiously.

"Yeah, it clears my mind and I can find peace," He said.

"Well, you should make Sokka and Katara meditate. Those kids bicker and fight so much it makes me want to strangle them," She joked, earning a laugh from Aang.

"I'll try my best," He replied, he turned around and went to Katara's room. She changed positions during her sleep. He saw her eyes closed and her mouth slightly opened. He found it funny and really cute. "I have to take a picture of this and tease her later," He thought while taking out his phone and took a picture of her. Once he finished, he chuckled at the picture and put it back in his pocket. He then sat down on the floor and meditated. After 20 minutes, Katara began to stir. She rubbed her eyes and saw that her boyfriend was no longer in bed. She pouted and thought, "I forgot Aang is a morning person," She sat up and stretched. Once she finished she saw her boyfriend sitting on the floor with his knuckles touching. His back was leaning on her bed.

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