Chapter 3:The Day of Embarrassment

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The next morning came and Katara and Aang found themselves waking up from a beautiful sleep, they have never felt so well-rested and ready to start the day. Katara got up and did her usual routine, about 45 minutes later she waited by the front door for Sokka. Usually, her dad would kiss them goodbye, but he always had work on Wednesdays. However, now it is Gran's job to cook them breakfast and kiss them goodbye.

"Oh? A smile in the morning? Who are you and what have you done to my baby girl?" Gran teased as she walked up to Katara at the front door. Katara rolled her eyes at her grandmother's teasing.

"Lord, Gran, I can't be happy in the mornings?"

"You can, but I have never seen you this happy to go to school." Gran pointed out.

"I'm just excited to see Aang, that's all." She confessed

"I can't wait to meet him for dinner this Saturday, he seems like a nice boy."

"We're running late, Gran we love you," Sokka said while walking out of the kitchen and to the front door.

"I love you too, be good now" The siblings walked out and headed for Sokka's car.

Meanwhile, at Aang's house, he woke up bright and early to get ready for the day. He brushed his teeth, took a shower, ate breakfast, and said goodbye to Gyatso. He was about to get on his air scooter and fly to school until he heard his phone go off.

"Good morning, Aang! Sokka and I are running a bit late to school, but we should have about 15 minutes left until the bell rings. I was hoping we could do some last minute studying in the library for the quiz."

"Sure! I'm about to leave my house, meet you there in 5."

Aang quickly got on his air scooter and rushed to the library. Once he arrived he saw his forever girl sit down and pull out her pre-calc journal. He walked towards her and sat in the chair next to her.

"Morning, Katara. So what do you need help with?" Aang questioned.

"What is sin x? And where does it come from?" she said while looking at her journal with a confused look.

"Oh, sin x comes fro-" Aang what was cut off by a very angry Jet.

"Kat, did you block me on Instagram? You haven't returned any of my texts." He said while looking down at her with his eyebrows narrowed.

"Duh! Of course, I did, now go away. I'm trying to study." She said, already feeling the rage build within her.

"Why are you being such a bitch? I just wanted to talk." He said, raising his voice a little bit.

"Hey! Don't talk to her like that!" Aang came to her defense. Now he felt the rage build up within him.

"What are you gonna do about it? Runaway like the cross country pussy you are?" He said with a smirk.

"You really want to find out?" He said while slamming his hands on the table and got up to face him. He walked up to him and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Jet! You are so annoying! Why can't you leave us alone?" she said while standing up and standing next to Aang.

"Cause, Kat you have a phat ass and I'm tryin' to get some, But this bald loser is gettin' in my way." Jet said while pointing an aggressive finger at Aang.

"What did you just say? You're trying to get some? She isn't a piece of meat! And she's so much more than just a 'phat ass!" He yelled, drawing the attention of other people in the library. Jet took a step backward and looked around.

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