Chapter 12: Insecurities:Part 1

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Around 4:00 in the morning, Katara began to toss and turn her bed relentlessly. She had a cold sweat on her forehead and a frown on her face.

"Bye Aang, I'll see you tomorrow, I love you," Katara said in her nightmare. They were standing in front of their school.

"Bye, I love you, too," Aang said back to her. He turned around and entered the school, while Katara went to walk to her brother's car. "Wait, I forgot to ask him what he wants for his birthday," She thought. She turned back around and entered the school.

"Hi, babe! Did you say bye to Katara already?" Ty Lee said while walking up to Aang. Katara raised an eyebrow and decided to eavesdrop.

"Yeah, she's gone," Fake Aang said in her dream. Ty Lee smiled and leaned up for a kiss. Fake Aang leaned down and kissed her back. After a moment, they separated. Katara's heart sank and tears began to fill her eyes. "NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" She thought while dropping to her knees and covering her mouth with her hand. By now the tears were free falling.

"I love you, babe. Do you love me more than Katara?" Ty Lee asked. Fake Aang chuckled and grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to him, causing Ty Lee to giggle.

"Of course. She's nothing, but a side piece," Fake Aang replied. Katara instantly woke up out of breath and looked around frantically. "It was just a dream. Just a dream. Just a dream," She told herself. She felt her face wet from tears and began sobbing at the memory of her nightmare. "This was the worst nightmare I've ever had... it felt so real," She thought. Each time she remembered her dream, she began crying. "Of course, she's nothing, but a side piece." She repeated in her head. She felt a sting in her heart and couldn't stop crying. She sat up and grabbed a tissue from her nightstand to blow her nose. After she was finished she grabbed her teddy bear and hugged it tightly. "It was just a nightmare, Katara. Aang loves you and he would never cheat on you." She thought to herself, "But why did it feel so real?" She thought before letting out another choked cry. "I need to call, Aang," She thought before grabbing her phone and calling him.

Aang heard his phone go off at 4:18 am. He rubbed his eyes and looked at his phone that was on the floor ringing. He groaned and sat up to grab his phone, "Are you serious? Why is someone calling me at this time?" He thought, annoyed. Once he grabbed his phone and saw who was calling him, his face softened. "Katara? Is she okay?" Aang thought. All of his annoyed feelings went out the window and were replaced with worried and concerned feelings. He answered the phone and held it to his ear.

"Katara? Are you okay? It's 4:00 am." Aang said in a low voice. He heard muffling and sobbing coming from the phone and his body was filled with anxiety and worries.

"N-no... I-I just had the worst n-nightmare ever," She said with a cracked voice.

"It's okay, Katara. I'm here for you. I love you," Aang said in a comforting voice. "I love you," She thought. "Just like he said in my nightmare" Katara irrationally thought.

"D-do you really? Do you actually love me? Or are you just saying that?" Katara said in a condensing voice. Aang raised his eyebrows in shock. "What's going on? Why is she mad at me? I just said I loved her," Aang thought. His worry went to an all-time high.

"I love you with all my heart. What's going on Katara?" Aang replied. Katara heard the worry and hurt in his voice and softened immediately. "Did I just really get mad at him for something he did in my dream? What's wrong with me!" Katara scolded herself.

"I'm so sorry, Aang. I feel horrible. I didn't mean to talk to you like that, I know you love me with all your heart. I'm sorry, forgive me," Katara pleaded. "I'm the worst girlfriend ever," She thought.

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