Chapter 24:A Pleasent Evening(Lemon Alert 🍋)

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This chapter took a lot of editing and fixing, so hopefully, I fixed all the mistakes. Gran-Gran is always dropping straight-up wisdom XD. Also, I'm sorry about the cliffhangers! lol, I don't mean to do them on purpose but the chapter needs to end somehow or else it'll be stupidly long lol. (This chapter is no different) But don't worry! I'll update again this upcoming Sunday or Monday.

Anyway, on with the chapter!

"Aang?" She said while giving him an affectionate squeeze.

"Hmm?" He hummed as he wrapped his arm around her.

"Do you love me?" She asked seriously. Aang began laughing

"What kind of question is that? Of course, I do!" He exclaimed, making Katara giggle and laugh.

"Would you still love me if I had no legs?" She asked with a smile. Aang smiled and raised his eyebrow in confusion.

"What?" He replied, not understanding his girlfriend's logic.

"Would you love me if I got into an accident and lost both of my legs?" She explained.

"Uhh, yeah," He replied, still really confused. Katara sat up to look at Aang.

"What if I turned into a chair?" She asked, making Aang more confused.

"What? What are you saying?" He said with a chuckle.

"If I turned into a chair, would you still love me?" She asked.

"Katara that's not even possible," He said with a laugh that was a little too loud for Katara's liking.

"Wow," She said while crossing her arms. Aang looked at her and saw eyes narrowed. He grew even more confused.

"What?" he said.

"You're supposed to love me no matter what," She said sternly.

"Katara you know I'll love you no matter what," Aang said truthfully.

"Even if I turned into a chair?" She asked curiously.

"That's not even possible, beautiful. How am I supposed to love a chair?" He asked curiously. Katara couldn't hold it back anymore. The sight of seeing Aang's confused face sent her over the edge. She began laughing hysterically.

"I'm just kidding!" She exclaimed. Aang let out a few chuckles of his own.

"Wow, I thought you were serious," He said after his laugh.

"Of course I'm not serious, but you better love me if I did lose my legs or something," She said as she laid back down into Aang's warmth.

"I'll love you forever. You know that," Aang said as he kissed her forehead, earning a smile from Katara.

"I know you do and I want to know what about me do you love?" She asked curiously.

"Do you want to know why I love you physically or emotionally?" He asked.

"Both, but start with emotionally," She asked with a huge smile.

"I love how confident and feisty you are," Aang started while looking into her blue eyes.

"Why?" She asked, already liking where this was going.

"Because someone has to tell the waiter my food is cold," He joked, making Katara laugh loudly.

"So I'm feisty for telling people when something is wrong?" She teased. Aang rolled his eyes and laughed.

"No, what I mean is that you don't take crap from anyone, and you never settle for less, which I admire," Aang clarified, making Katara feel all warm and happy.

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