Chapter 25:Double Standards & Passions

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Alright! Here's the chapter! So I'm going to keep writing day-to-day (I'm talking about day-to-day in the story) until Sunday comes around. After Sunday I'm going to skip the whole school week and write about the Gaang going to Omashi, and then after that, I'll skip the days until the tournament starts, and then after that, I'll skip to when the basketball season starts and write some stuff there. This will most likely take several chapters to complete, which is sooooooo long lol. So after all of that, I'm going to end this story and begin writing the Gaang During College, and if you are sad about that because you wanted more High School stories, then don't worry! I also plan on writing another fic called 'The Tales of Kataang,' and it will be a series of one-shots about interesting and cool stories that took place during Kataang's Junior and Senior year. Okay, now that's out of the way, y'all can read now lmao. Enjoy the chapter!


Thursday, September 3rd

*One hour before Hakoda returning to his house*

Hakoda felt like he was a mixture of powerful emotions. He really wanted to kick Aang's ass for having sex with his daughter under his roof but his rational side said he was being unfair to Katara because he knew Suki and his son had sex in Sokka's room before and he didn't mind it, as long as no one was home and they did it safely. Now, the same situation except it's his daughter instead of his son and he was having a totally different reaction. Once he arrived at the bar he parked, turned off his car, and entered. He sat down at the bar and waved the bartender over.

"Can I get water and a shot of whiskey please," He said quickly. The bartender could see him sweating.

"What kind, sir?" She asked.

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