Chapter 13:insecurities:Part 2

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"What time does your meet start?" Katara questioned.

"At 5:00, I asked my coach if I could ride with you guys to Woodward park and he said it's fine," Aang replied, causing his girlfriend to smile.

"Great! Let's go to my brother's car," She ordered. They reached for each other's hands and intertwined their fingers. They began walking to Sokka's car. Once they arrived, they found Sokka already in his car. Aang opened the door to the back seat for Katara and she thanked him before entering the car. Aang nodded and followed her. Once they were settled, Aang closed the door and spoke.

"My meet isn't until another hour and a half. We should eat somewhere," Aang said while putting on his seat belt. Katara was sitting in the middle seat and she also put her seatbelt on.

"Now you're speaking my language! Where should we eat?" Sokka said as he turned on his car.

"I'm feeling subway," Aang replied.

"That sounds good," Katara said as she leaned her head on Aang's shoulder. Aang smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist and leaned his head on her head.

"Subway it is," Sokka said as he was backing up.

"Sokka, did you tell anyone what happened with Jet?" Katara questioned.

"No, I did tell Toph, Zuko, and Mai not to ask you anything about why you two were gone. They wanted to know why, but I just said not to and they agreed. They should know whenever you're ready to let them know," Sokka said, earning a smile from his sister.

"That's very thoughtful of you, Sokka. Thank you. You're a really good big brother," She said truthfully, earning a huge smile on her brother's face.

"Did you hear that, Aang! I'm a good brother, she hasn't told me that in years!" Sokka teased, earning an eye roll from his sister.

"Don't make me take it back," She said, trying to sound threatening, but her smile betrayed her.

"No take backsies, sis, sorry," He teased again, earning another eye roll. Katara snuggled into Aang and put her hand on his thigh. "How close can I get?" She thought, she slowly began moving her hand closer and closer to her boyfriend's waist. Aang noticed and blushed, "What is she doing?... it feels good, should I stop her?" He thought. He noticed she wasn't stopping and thought, "We'll see how far she goes," She continued to move her hand and thought "hmmm he's not stopping me, good." Once her hand was all the way up to his thigh, she stopped, "Should I try to get closer to his manhood? Or is that going too far?... I have to initiate everything... but this isn't the time to do that," She thought. Aang smiled and thought, "She stopped... why do I want her to get closer to my manhood? Am I a pervert for wanting that? I mean... I would never let another girl do that... This is confusing" About 10 minutes later, Sokka arrived at Subway. The trio exited the car and went inside to order their food. After they were finished they decided to eat at the sibling's house. They got their food and returned to Sokka's car. About 15 minutes later, the trio found themselves around the kitchen table eating. Hakoda and Gran joined them.

"I was watching the news earlier today about the salary of the Avatar. Guess how much they get paid," Gran said, trying to start a conversation.

"A billion dollars a year," Sokka guessed.

"No, Sokka, that's why too much money. I guess 500,000 dollars a year," Katara said.

"I think 1,000,000 dollars per year," Aang said.

"Nope, their starting salary is 750,000 dollars a year. And each year they get a 50,000 dollar raise if the world is at peace," Gran answered.

"For real? That's a lot of money. I would like to be the Avatar," Hakoda said with a chuckle.

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