chapter 3 / flying solo

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She didn't remember anything, but something bad must've happened considering the unconscious bodies in a sketchy alleyway, and a missing Logan.

Looking down at her torn up suit, she winced, now realizing the wound at the side of her arm. It looked as if she'd been sliced with a knife.

Holding her arm as she rose to her feet, she glanced around at the other bodies. They weren't the M.R.D. but surely had something against them.

The bike was still there.

As she mentioned earlier, no Logan.

Sighing, as she now had to continue this on her own, she peered out the side of the alleyway, just in case.

Seeing no one was around, which crushed her hopes of Logan being there, she limped over to the bike and got back on it.

Obviously not knowing how to operate it, she pressed a couple of buttons and re-entered the keys, until the engine started back up and headlights went on. Pressing down on the gas, she bolted forward and took a sharp turn out of the alleyway into the middle of the street.

Luckily, there was barely anyone out driving, so even if she did swerve and cut into someone else's lane there wouldn't be anyone there.

Now catching the flow to the bike, she took a peek up from the road and into the sky. It had to be early into the morning hours, seeing how close the sun was to rising. They hadn't even made it to the Manhattan area yet, where they planned to find some cheap motel and crash there for the night until they went back to the mansion in hopes they'd find some source of evidence.

But that wasn't happening, so new plans were to show up to school and plead poverty in hopes of not having to attend class and just sit up in the front office and fake cry.

Which then comes the question of where she'd get new clothes and hide the giant gash at the side of her arm. She most definitely couldn't show up with either of those.

Her only option now was to take or steal clothes. She'd been taught better than that though, as she pulled off to the side of the road and began digging through a leather bag that was attached to it.

Her hands finally meeting the sensation of wrinkly paper, she pulled out a twenty dollar bill, plus some change.

She felt guilty stealing money from Logan, but then again he was the one who fled without her.

Finding a nearby thrift shop, she looked through the shaded windows. Seeing that it wasn't open, she knocked on the door as a car pulled up alongside her.

Glancing back at the dark car, she saw two men dressed in black. Deciding to ignore them as their window went down and they began to talk to her, she went back towards the bike and quickly got back on it.

Yes, they were sketchy and probably going to follow her, but needless to say she knew how to defend herself.

Zooming off once more, she found herself being followed like she expected.

Where was she supposed to go now?

Nothing was open and she had basically no friends that weren't mutants. She obviously could fight them, but then again she couldn't use her powers either. And with the condition she was in at the moment that wasn't her favorite option.

She went with literally just outrunning them. Praying they wouldn't pull out a gun or the tank wouldn't run out.

And of course, they pulled out a gun.

Taking a look behind her every few seconds as she watched the guy in the passenger's seat lean out the window with a black blur, as she swerved back and forth while shots were fired. And still being inexperienced with this thing was one of the most terrifying things she's had happened.

Sharply turning at the corner, she started to gather a plan.



Heading down another alleyway, she drove the bike in, and then right through the wall, giggling and pumping a fist as she was spat out the other side, losing the guys behind her.

"Not so fast," yelled a guy, as he jumped out in front of her, blocking the way. She halted to a stop, as she got up off the bike and slowly lifted up her hands.

The guy darkly chuckled, as his eyes went cocky and he spoke through his radio, "I got one,"

"Why are you guys chasing me?" she then asked.

"You'll see," he croaked, inching towards her.

This, was a perfect excuse to beat someone up.

As he ran at her to throw a punch, she let him run through her as she flipped around and grabbed his shoulders, slamming him down with a smile.

"Looks like you're gonna have to wait to get a hold of me." she said, hands on her hips as the guy slightly winced, "Anyways, cya later!"

She cheerfully skipped off and got back on the bike, planning to head off to some store, even if it was just for a pair of leggings and white tee, anything was better then a torn up yellow and blue suit that had a huge X on the shoulders and belt.

Being carefully aware on the road and considerate of the people around her, she found that the mall was just opening up. Though it was peculiar for them to open this early, she really wasn't complaining.

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