chapter 16 / issue

11 3 4

Sitting around the conference table, they were each being separated into smaller forces, since SHIELD had tracked down a couple more.

Squad 1:
The Wasp
Black Widow

Squad 2:
Iron Man
Captain America

Squad 3:

Squad 4:

"Do we all know where we're going?" asked Iron Man.

Nods went around the table, as they began to group into their forces.

"Great. I've got the kids." Clint huffed, jokingly.

"Good luck with these two." Scott said, still disappointed from earlier.

"Oh please, Scott you're just-" Bobby cupped his hand over Kitty's mouth, stopping her from saying anything ridiculous.

"We better get going." he then smiled, removing his hand from her face.

"So before we get serious... who was that guy? Y'know, from earlier?"

"Oh. Yeah, Loki?"

"Loki? His names Loki?"

"Yeah, he's from some ancient planet and claims to be a god."


"He hates us. He's also Thor's brother. I assume he's also after the infinity stones at this point too."

"Isn't everyone? It's either mutants or the stones, huh?"

"Yeah, not the best day to be an X-Men, huh?"

"Not really."

Their conversation finished, pulling up to the school once more.

"Look at us, back here again." Bobby said.

"God this place sucks." Scott added.

"Be happy you've graduated already."

"That doesn't mean I didn't have to survive four years like you guys."

"How exactly are we supposed to know where the stone is here? It's a highschool? What even is an infinity stone doing here anyway." said Clint.

"Look, kids here are jerks. And that's all I'll say. Stay low, and we'll split up. Except for you, you don't know where you're going." Kitty claimed, looking at Clint.

"Alright, well I'll go with you then." Clint spat.

"Great. I shouldn't of even said anything. Anyways, you look way too old to get in, so I'm gonna have to phase us through. Bobby, Scott- you two just enter through the front I guess."

They nodded, going walking away from the car and towards the entrance.

"And now it's just us I guess. Follow me."

They crept around the side of the building, making an effort not to be seen to seem less sketchy.

"When we get in, what's your plan?"

"Find the stone. Duh."

"But where?"


"No, where!"

"I don't know. I mean, this place isn't that big- well, compared to the Universe atleast. And think about it, you expect a shiny, powerful, jewel to not be noticed here? Everyone's gonna wanna study it!"

"I guess,"

"Now come on, we should be fine going through here."

She took his arm, pulling him through the brick building, watching him go pale as if he was about to throw up.

Once they got in, Clint grabbed the trash can near the door, vomitting a little from the strange, abstract feeling.

"Get used to it, bud. We're gonna be doing that a lot. Now let's go before you're caught in the woman's bathroom."

He palely nodded, following the girl out of the bathroom as she peered her head out to make sure nobody was coming.

"That's odd." she mumbled, motioning Hawkeye to follow her down the hall.

"What's odd?"

"Oh sorry. You weren't supposed to hear that."

"What's the matter?" he pressed.

"The halls are never this empty. Or quiet. There's always something going on. But today's just different I guess."

"Don't let it get to you. I bet it's just you being anxious."


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