chapter 14 / children

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"How did they know we were here?" she asked, as they took off down the hall earning looks from employees, and even a couple Avengers.

"The sentinels, probably! Not to mention the news crews that could've gotten footage of us when we were caught at the warehouse!"

"What about Jean and Bobby? We can't just leave them here for them to take!"

"Gahhh, come on!" he groaned, as they turned around and went back down the halls, taking the same turns and retracing their steps back to the medbay.

Kitty grabbed Jean, as Scott took hold of Bobby and realized that they were now right back where they started.

"Hey guys,"

Alarmingly turning around, they were met with the sly smirk of a silver speedster.

"You idiot! Do you know how-" she sighed, "Scott, is there a threat or not?"

"There's- I don't know. It was probably just Peter that I saw running around outside that creeped me."

"So how'd you get out?" asked Peter.

"How'd we get out? How'd you get out, you guys have been missing for the past 4 days!"

"Us guys? I don't see us guys?"

"Where've you been?"

"We were separated. Put in different vans than knocked out. I woke up stranded in the middle of a forest, the van was on fire and everyone was gone."

"Who was with you?"

He thought for a moment, "Laura... Ororo, Emma, Piotr, and-" he thought again, "Illyana."

Kitty's eyes got even wider at the sound of each name.

"Where'd they go!" she threw him back into the wall with anger, "You left them, didn't you!"

"I told you I was stranded!" he replied, as Kitty felt Scott trying to pull her off of him, "The van was on fire! And I looked for them!"

"They're out there then! Scott we have to go find them!" she whined, with tears in her eyes.

"We can't."

Their heads turned, as Jean evidently had woken up.

"So you guys aren't dead?" Peter asked.

"No!" exclaimed Jean. "Bobby's sleeping. But we don't have time to go find them. Trust me."

"Yeah and-"

"Before you can say anything else that's stupid and useless-" Peter cut Kitty off.

"You two- zip it!" yelled Scott.

"We have stones to protect. Worlds to save, people to help. The world needs us now." said Jean.

Jean's inspirational speech was interrupted, as they looked down to Bobby who was muttering stuff and practically drooling.

"He's so weird." said Peter.

"Tell me about it." replied Kitty.

"It's your favorite," he snorted and coughed a little, "sub-zero hero."

Kitty gagged, cringing at his line, "Someone please put me down before he says anything else."

"Can we not make fun of him for a little and pay attention to what Jean has to say?" asked Scott.

"You know what, I'm out." said Kitty, throwing up her arms at the sound of Bobby starting another sentence.

"Me too. You guys are lame." said Peter

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