chapter 5 / switzerland?

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They arrived at the plot where the Xavier Institute once stood so broad and proud, only thing being left that was still working was technically the tennis courts that opened down into the underground layer, where the jet usually sat.

They got out of the car, as Jean extended her hands and cranked the doors of the court open, watching Scott and Kitty jump through as she followed them and repeated the same thing, this time closing the courts.

"He wasn't kidding when he said they vanished. This place is a ghost town!" Kitty said, looking around at the empty headquarters, their footsteps and voices echoing, making the feel a little more eerie, "You heard anything from them, Jean?"

"I've been unable to reach the Professor for the past day or so, but what really don-dons me is why he hasn't reached out to me yet..." she replied, her voice trailing off.

"Do you think they didn't actually escape, and HYDRA got to them first?"

"Unless they've been watching us for this long..." Jean randomly said, distracted in her own thoughts.

"What do you mean?" asked Scott.

"They wouldn't have known about down here if they didn't have inside information, or if it was safe from the blast either."

"You mean, someone came in here, pretended to be a mutant, then exploited us?" asked Kitty.



"Shhh!" hushed Scott, as he put a hand on the side of his shades. The two shut up for a couple of moments, as he slowly turned around and said, "There's someone else here."

"I think now's our que to just find the uniforms and go."


"But what if it's someone we know? How'd you feel if we left them?" asked Kitty, that small tiny remainder of hope not slipping.

"If they wanna come with us they can come find us. Otherwise why'd they be snooping around trying not to be noticed?" Scott replied.

"You're right... let's go."

They dug through a couple metal cabinets, some drawers, and even looked above the Headquarters and through the rocks, finding nothing.

"Looks like we're out of luck." said Jean.

"They've already got the upper hand-"

"Wait!" Kitty exclaimed, as she phased back down into the underground headquarters and ran down a hall and through a couple walls, until reaching the trap-like door she watched the Professor and Ororo go through a couple years ago when she wasn't supposed to be down there.

Holding her breath as she phased through it, she was met with a whole arrangement of fresh, new, X-Men uniforms. They were the same material as their other ones, but instead with shades of black, making it much easier to blend at night, or in any dark and sketchy weapon factory for that matter.

Walking down the aisle of glass cases with names on them, she found one was gone.

Looking closely at the name engraved underneath it, she saw, "Drake, Robert L."

Bobby must've gotten away, meaning he was out there somewhere.

Shaking her head as she snapped back to her objective, she found their own names.

"Pryde, Katherine A."

"Summers S."

"Grey, Jean E."

Phasing back up through the walls and to level surface where she met back with Jean and Scott, she handed each of them their uniforms as they all climbed into the car, and began driving upstate New York.


"Where exactly did you get these from?" asked Jean, examining them closely.

"I found them deep underground. There's some type of lower level even under H.Q."

"They're pretty nice."

"Yeah," they got closer to a large white building, "Is this it?"


"It's huge."

They slowed down at the entrance, the car soon coming to a stop.

"How'd you guys get in and out last time?" Kitty asked, looking at the large metal door.

"Well Jean opened it, but since we have you now it makes this about 10 times easier."

They climbed out of the car and went towards the building, Kitty phasing them in as she looked around.

"Yeah, so what decent living conditions were we exactly talking about?" she asked.

"Crates of food, sleeping bags, it's everything you can ask for."

"And a bunch of bugs and metal parts to fall on you," she retorted.

"Look, it's fine for now."

"When are we planning on finding that HYDRA base?"

"We don't have any leads yet. For now we're gonna have to sit back and see what happens."

"Can't Jean find it through her powers?"

"She's-" he was cut off.

"Switzerland?" Jean asked.

"Switzerland, what about it?" asked Kitty.

"They're in the Swiss Alps."

"What are they doing there? And how did they get there that fast?"

"I don't know!"

Flashing red lights and loud beeping echoed through the facility.

"Uniform!" Scott exclaimed, as they each quickly pulled on their fresh new suits.

"Looks like whoever owns this place doesn't want us here!" Kitty exclaimed, taking the two by the arms as she went through one of the walls, walking straight into police cars and other people, "Great! We're gonna be in jail even before we get to the rest of them! This is splendid!"

"Hands up! Stand back!" yelled a guy, striped shield, fancy uniform and everything.

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