chapter 22 / eagle

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"Yeah... I'd say he's a little confused but he's got the right spirit?" Kitty shrugged, as her and Scott kept eyes on the trailing 'parasite'.

"Oh trust me, if he tries anything-" Scott started.

"We call the deadliest woman in the galaxy." Kitty finished.

"Who's that? You?"

"No, the green one, duh!"

"Oh? Okay?"

"Stand back... I can't assure anything better than what we just fought will be behind this door." Emma cut in, as everyone stepped back and watched her open it.

"Free time is over, punks." they heard a voice say, as each of their heads peeked in from behind the corner, "Time for lights out!" it laughed, as cells closed, "You better be here to help-!" he started, but locked eyes with Kitty and smiled, "I take that back, I don't hate all children!"

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