chapter 23 / mist

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"Seagull!" Kitty exclaimed.

"It's Hawkeye..." he muttered, but nonetheless was excited for the rescue, "Yeah, never thought I'd be saying this but I'm happy to see you too." he pointed at Scott.

"And who do we suppose this is?" Emma asked.

"This is Eagle, he's a little obnoxious and-" Scott started

"Hawkeye," Clint frowned, "Now we better get moving, the room over has some very questionable substances coming from it and I do not want to wait and see what happens when it reaches us."

"So you're saying we go towards it?" Quill crossed his arms.

"I don't see the problem?" Kitty shrugged.

"Easy to say for the girl who can walk through practically anything!" Peter exclaimed.

"He's right, if the mist is what we think it is we're all at risk here." Clint agreed.

"And what exactly are we thinking the mist is?" asked Scott.

"Mysterio..." Emma answered.

"You know him?" Clint asked.

"No, but it's written all over your mind. What exactly can this guy do?"

"He releases something into the air that causes hallucinations... not something I'd really like to mess with but we really got no choice."

"Then I say we go." Venom shrugged.

"Yeah, because how bad can it be?" Peter sarcastically added.

"How about we stop the bickering and vote. It's either we be wusses and call in for another squad to come save our little a**es or we be the heroes we are and face the mist?" Clint scowled.

"Yeah, kind of leaning towards the first option." Quill frowned.

"Well I'm all in for the second one. And I can assure my own will come in handy too." Scott nodded, throwing Kitty and Emma under the bus, as they just looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Just roll with it." Emma sighed.

"You think I can't after all these years?" Kitty glowered.

"Well I guess that means I'm in." Peter sighed.

"And with 6 of us that greatly outnumbers the one wimp." Clint joked.

"Well what are we waiting for? Lead us to the guy!" Emma smiled, as she went into diamond form.

"Don't be surprised if he's in some ways manipulating other unknowing minds... he's good at that stuff." Clint said, as he opened the door and they went in, the purple mist surrounding a trio of teens, as they stood around and quarreled.

"More of them? Are you series?" said the one in the similar-looking spiderman suit, colors roughly reversed to put it simply, "How many crazy super powered prisoners does this stupid place hold?"

"At last count? 617!" replied the one with a similar look to Captain Marvel, her fists huge.

"Against three? Those are terrible odds!" the girl spiderman screeched, "When this is over, remind me to never hang out in your dimension again, Miles!"

And so they each nodded towards each other, afterward charging the group of 7 as they put their guard up, knowing very well that the mist took part in their side-choosing.

Taking out the youngsters was quite a change of pace, considering they were usually up against large freaky beasts, not skinny teens that take after Kitty. That given, it was much easier.

"I thought the Raft was for elite villains... What are these chumps doing here?" the Spider-Girl shot, as she took a blow to the face by Kitty.

"We may not be elite villains," she smirked, "But we sure as hell are elite heroes!" Kitty laughed, as Spider-Girl finally gave out and got down on her knees, mumbling, "So not cool..." holding her stomach.

"Chill out Katherine, we are not trying to hurt them, remember!" Emma eye-rolled.

"I think we have no choice!" Peter screeched, as he continued to jump out of the way from huge-fist girl.

"Oh come on Spiderman! You can fight things like whatever the hell this guy is but you can't take on a girl your age?" Clint sighed, letting a few arrows free from his bow.

"We are not a thing..." Venom growled.

"Yeah, yeah... just- uh... just don't eat me." he smiled.

"Spiderman?" the girl attacking Peter muttered.

"Hell yeah Spiderman! Is she slow?" Quill shot.

"Quill, I don't think we're allowed to say that anymore... and I think them and their random attacks may have something to do with the mist..." Kitty suggested.

"Nonetheless, Pryde... they're still trying to hurt us. So, Lockjaw! Fetch, boy!" Emma shouted, as the other Spider-Kid went down.

In came Lockjaw, as he teleported each of the Spider-Kids into their own separate cells as the rest took on fist girl. Well, tried.

"Look! Whatever's going on you can fight it! The mist is clouding your vision!" Peter tried to explain, as the two went back and forth.

"Gosh I'm getting tired of this. Move kid!" Scott exclaimed.

Peter jumped out of the way, as a red beam originated from Scott's visor and hit the girl smack in the arm. She went down without hesitation.

"One more and you get a treat!" Clint laughed, as Lockjaw came back and put her in her own cell, and he turned his back and spoke into his comm, "You better give him a treat... hear me Crys?"

"Affirmative... Hawkeye."

"Well now that that's dealt with, I think we have a bigger problem..." Quill said, a frown in his voice.

"Great..." Kitty groaned, as she stared at the man with the face for a glass witch ball thingy.

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