chapter 12 / sentinels

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whew it's been awhile lmao

"What, no welcome committee? I mean, hey! Bobby Drake survived the blast and came back!"

"It's not like that."

She began to walk ahead.

"Was it something I said?" he shouted, running to catch up.


They shoved through the front doors of the school, breeze now releasing through Kitty's long brunette hair, and blowing Bobby's blonde stray strands to the side.

Going towards the large black car, where the engine was already started and running, a tinted window rolled down as Jean looked in utter shock.

"Bobby?" she asked.

"H-hey Jean. Why so flushed?" he stuttered at her huge emerald eyes that stared at him in awe, but broke the connection due to the huge, angry, slam! of the back car door.

"What's up with her?" she mouthed.

"Guys," he replied. Bobby went around to the passengers seat and got in, as Peter was positioned in the back seated next to Kitty, "Who's this guy? New recruit?"

"We're currently working with Stark industries and the Avengers on some business..." replied Jean.


"Protecting the infinity stones, and helping them regain control of the universe. Hopefully to get their help and trust in return, if our issue isn't resolved by then."

"Our issue?"

"The blast, schools gone, and so are the students."

"They're alright though, right? The professor, Rogue- they're fine?"

"We don't know. Now where've you been this whole time? Must be some rock you've been living under?"

"Well- um. I may or may have not snuck out to get a quick break before training?"

"With your new suit?" Kitty asked, sarcastically.

"That came after the blow, I went down there and remembered where the Professor kept them in case of emergencies."

"Peter, how are you doing?" asked Jean, realizing the boy must be uncomfortable at their sibling-like quarreling.

"I'm uh- I'm good." he stuttered.

"So what do you do at the tower?" she asked, harmlessly, simply just trying to create small talk.

"Oh well I'm smart?"

Jean giggled, "Of course you are! Must be, gotta have a brain and some money to be an intern there."

"Oh yeah- uhm, I do."

"Specialize in tech?"

"Yeah. I like that kind of stuff. Though I do find human anatomy and basically everything in Mr. Stark's lab interesting."

"That's nice. I'm a Doctor myself, actually."

"Cool, what type?"

"Mainly performed in the medical field, which really didn't last long until all this broke loose."

((jean is not a dr in the comics but only in the movies. as far as i know she's some sort of medical dr so plz don't attack me 🥺))


"You've heard?" she asked, giving him a questionable look.

"Oh, yeah... I mean I- I'm not eavesdropping but I-I've heard the conversations on the phone and talk throughout the tower."

"I see,"

Leave it to Jean to be friendly and create small talk, probably one of the most genuine and funny people anyone knew.

"S-so where are we going?"

"Back to the tower. We've got sentinels to fight."


"Mutant haters made sentinels to hunt us down and kill us."


"So tell me, why'd Stark ask for you?"

"Uh- I uh- he... he needs me when I'm stressed?"

"Like a stress ball? What type of billionaire needs a kid for stress?" Bobby jumped in.

"Now Bobby, we shouldn't be so quick to judge. Besides, we have a battle to prepare for!" Jean settled.

"Got any special talents?"

Peter nervously looked around a little.

Jean whispered a couple things to Bobby, as they glanced back at Peter, then to Kitty.

Putting their eyes back on the road, Bobby asked, "Kitty, how ya doin' back there?"

"Absolutely perfect." she sighed, keeping her attention to the passing cars out the window.

"What are you worrying about?" asked Jean.

"Worried? Are you going through my- get down!" she screamed, grabbing hold of the car door as she tried her hardest to phase it through the huge sentinel.
Crawling out of the car, she dragged Peter behind her. Fortunately for him,he was the only one she managed to grab hold of before their car was practically stomped on. Stark will not like to hear about this, but at least she saved his stress ball.

"You, you sit right here while I deal with these things, got it?" she said, through heavy breaths.

Peter anxiously nodded, he seemed shaken up but also not too surprised.

Keeping a close eye on the sentinels who were staring elsewhere, she went back into the car and pulled out an unconscious Bobby and Jean.

They both had normal pulses, so that's one less thing to worry about, but now she had to fight three sentinels and protect two helpless bodies and one terrified wuss.

Sprinting to get a head start as she then soared gallantly through the air and onto one of the sentinel's backs, she phased her hand through its head and let it do the rest of the work, hopping off of its back as it fell backwards with a thud!

Turning around to face the next, she realized there were no more.

Circling again, she now realized Peter wasn't there either.

"Peter!" she screamed out.

"Yeah?" he replied.

Turning once more, she saw a familiar man in a red and blue suit, a spider at the center of his chest with black webs engraved and coating over some of the red.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" she groaned, "You didn't tell me you were an Avenger!"

"Er- I mean, you looked like you needed help. Who're you looking for?" he played dumb.

She stomped up to him and tugged the ridiculous mask off, "You, silly." Kitty said, not very happy, "Now where'd the rest of the sentinels go?"

"They're over there." he replied, pointing at the webbed robots.

"Thanks, but I think I'll handle it from here."

Kitty walked over to the sentinels and phased through each, crossing her arms as she watched them fall to the ground in disrepair.

"We're out of here. Grab Bobby I'll get Jean, the need medical attention ASAP... do the Avengers have a doctor?" she asked.

"Uh... yeah we do... sometimes."

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