chapter 18 / seperation

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"Look out, witch!" Kitty laughed, summersaulting out of the way of the green man's strange pumpkin bombs.

As he turned around, his hoverboard suddenly froze in place, falling from under his feet as he fell with it, the stone flying out of his hands as Clint quickly dove to grab it before it hit the ground, slowly rising back to his feet as Bobby finished up freezing him to the ground.

"The raft will be here for you soon." he said.

"And we know what that means..." Scott groaned.

"Paperwork," they said in unison.

"Well... we got the stone. And that's all that matters." Kitty nodded.


"Do you really think it was right to send those two to fill out paperwork together?" Bobby asked.

"No. But it was funny. And besides, if either of them did it that would put it on us, and personally..." she examined the stone that levitated just a little bit above her open palm, "I'd much rather talk about these instead."

"What was that?" Bobby interrupted.

"Probably the vent rat. Or some lost intern. Either or."

"Kitty there's no one else here... this is the undocumented base. Nobody knows about it. Except the private Avengers and inner-circle."

"Then someone in this inner-circle is a snitch."

"Woah... uh that was deep."

"I'm joking, Robert, it was probably just the air conditioning or a small rodent. I wouldn't worry about it. Now I was told Wanda, Nat, Hope, and Vision were just down this hall to take and secure the stones."


The pair continued, and finally entered the main room, shocked at the sight.

"I see you children fell right into our trap!" the woman smirked, making her way through the smoke that somehow crowded the room, her white eyes sharp and beady.

"What is this all about...?" Kat asked, shaking her head in disbelief.

"This is about the end of all that is. And we are the ones that shall deliver it..."

"What do you mean!"

"I mean something much bigger then you see... you... what do they call you? Oddities?"

"...mutants." she replied wearily.

"You mutants mean a lot more to us then you simply see... you... are a new allie..." she smirked, getting closer to Kitty as her hand softly brushed her face, quickly slapped away by the feisty brunette, "However I believe you have something that our friends shouldn't be retrieving for our enemies. Once you have returned what is ours..." When the alien realized the two teenagers weren't giving in, her eyes sharpened and narrowed, spitting an insult, "Muties..."

"Never." Bobby finally spoke, catching on to whatever was going on where Kitty hadn't, "That madman you obey only wishes to destr—!"

A bolt of lightning had been summoned from above, somehow breaking through the atmosphere and contraption of the building, diving straight through it and absorbing Bobby.

Kitty only stared in shock, the stone clenched tightly in her hands as her breaths became longer and more quiet, eyes widened like a deer in the headlights, stumbling out of the way of the threat that was slowly approaching.

She first stood over Bobby's stunned body, kicking him off to the side as her hips turned and faced Kitty.

"The time has come to return home..." the alien said.

"What?" Kitty replied.

The alien didn't even look at her, only looking at her two balled fists.

"Not happening." Kat shook her head.

The alien's expression became disgraced, her fist winding up and getting ready to sock the life out of the small girl. As the fist swung towards her head, she phased and slid out of the way, infinity stone still tightly wrapped in her hand.

"Give that back!" she screamed.

"No! This stone stays with me... rather your master likes it or not!"

"You will leave here with nothing!" she boomed, "Not even your lives..." her staff aimed towards her, as only a hundred similar disgusting-looking aliens piled out through the smoke, Kitty getting tackled down as she kept phasing, not even thinking about how she could get out of here. But only how she could survive. She could only manipulate molecules for so long.

Jean gulped, shaking a little as she continued to send the message through.
"It's okay, I'm sure they'll be alright." Captain America assured.

"Bobby's already unconscious. And I'm having a difficult time reaching Katherine." she croaked, eyes starting to water as she realized both of their prescenses were slowly slipping away.

Her breath shaky, she huskily said, "Use the stone." repeating it over and over. Praying as she did.

"I have fled worlds, your pathetic attacks cannot harm me!" she spat.

The girl's blood-stained sweaty face only gazed into the cold sharp eyes of death herself.

"I guess it's a good thing we weren't tryna hurt ya!" she giggled.

The alien's face went blank, curious at the girls statement.

"Just to distract ya!" she smirked.

"Distract...?" She quickly turned around, facing where Bobby's weak body had been limping over to where Kitty had secretly settled the stone.

"No! You shall not have it! I swear in Thanos' name!"

"Did she say Thanos!" Kitty screamed, almost more whocked then Bobby's bolted body.

Her blade lightened, a wave of energy leaving it as it hit the platform the stone was safely on, Bobby getting knocked off to the side as Kitty ran towards the explosion.

"Pryde! You can't let her have them...!" Bobby croaked.

"And you're sure that's all?" Dr. Strange asked.

"Yeah. That's everything."

"Proxima Midnight."

"The alien? Is that her name?"

"Yes... and my deepest sympathy for having to face her alone. She is a stone cold killer."

"Yeah. I know she is but I just—" tears filled her eyes, "I just wanna know where they went." she gulped.

Strange bit his lip a little, "They're somewhere out there in this big old universe of ours."

"I just wish Jeannie was here... maybe she would've been able to locate him—"

"You don't necessarily need a Jean to locate your missing souvenirs," said a british voice.

They both turned around to face the diamond-like blonde, her skin perfectly smooth and stainless white clothing.

"Emma." Kitty grunted.

"Astonished, Miss Pryde?"

"Disappointed. Miss Frost."

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