chapter 9 / space

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(for further notice i am gonna be making the stones touchable, they will simply just float above their hands)

He pounded the ground, leaving blue bolts of energy implanted into the pavement, making them all lose their balance for a moment or two.

Then lifting his fist as he summoned some type of blue aura of lightning, which she luckily wasn't in reach of, sending more of them out of the rink.

another beam came, this time out of his fist that shot towards Jean, who was trying to hurl the disassembled bodies of the droids at Ultron.

Scott quickly jumped in front of it, letting loose his lasers that struck him right in the head, knocking him off guard before the beam could even hit them.

"What's our plan?" Kitty asked, taking the extra seconds to chat while Ultron was distracted with the Avengers.

"I don't know, they obviously aren't that competent to figure out we have to work together so I guess we're back to a trio."

"What about Gambit?"

He looked over to one of the nice patio chairs, at the carefree guy that had his feet propped up while he toyed with his cards.

"He's out of it." said Scott.

"It's a shame. We can really use him right now, especially since... shiny things... are involved." Kitty replied, raising her tone as they locked eyes.

He subtly got out of his chair, walking towards them.

"You guys' jus' couldn't do witout' me eh?"

"Just go get the stone, please?"

"Are we really dumb enough to send just him to singlehandingly carve a stone out of metal man's forehead?" asked Scott.

"He's a thief. A sneaky one. One who's capable of breaking into the institute, tricking Logan,-"

"You had me there, chérie, I'll be off' now,"

She shrugged, as they watched him groggily walk towards Ultron, pulling his portable staff out of his side pocket and grabbing the android's attention.

"Are we just gonna stand here and watch or...?" asked Scott.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that this guys gonna get wrecked." replied Kitty.

"Who, Gambit or Ultron?"

"Ultron, duh."

"Hey, where's Jean?"

"She's fighting,"

"Well why aren't we helping her?"

"She- oopsie! We have to- but I wanna watch this so badly!"

"Kat, come on!"

He grabbed her by the collar, as they were thrown back into the center of the ring.

Though they went back to their average day as an X-Men, fighting and saving citizens while still being kept under someone's hawk eyes, Kitty couldn't help but get distracted at the sight of Ultron crumbling where he stood as he began to slide to the ground.

It seemed the infinity stone had been removed from his head, as his body went weak and fully collapsed with a big, metallic, thud!

"Gambit, you got the stone?" asked Jean, cautiously approaching him.

"Leave' it to the' thief!" he smiled, examining the glowing and levitating object.

3 hours later.

Everything was done.

They had the stone.

They were relaxing, healing wounds, resting.

Monitoring Gambit.

Monitoring the stone.

"What the hell!" screamed Jean.

"What!" yelled back Scott, racing over to the terrace she stood on.

Packing the sky, crowded sentinels.

Huge, silver, sentinels.

"I think this is an Avengers X-Men team up level threat!" Jean cried.

"We're gonna need more, those things are deadlier than any of you realize! Especially considering the new loads of information I stole from that lab a couple weeks back." Kitty said.

"Alright, I have a task for you then. Kate and Jean, I need you two to go get a friend of mine. You may know him actually?" said Iron Man.

"Who, where is he?"

"Peter Parker. Down at Midtown high. We need him ASAP."

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