chapter 26 / aftermath 1

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"What seems to be the problem?" the witch asked, unphased by the vision.

"I think we just saw the future... and it didn't look good..." Kitty gulped.

"I've seen my fair share of dark futures. What I have learned is that no fate is sealed until we choose it to be." she replied, resting a hand on the youngster's shoulder, "If the ending you saw is not the one you desire, then we will fight for a better one, together." Wanda smiled.

"Whoa! Hey! Not a good idea!" yelled Miles.

The two turned to get in on the fuss.

Quill was in the middle of it, with the time stone in hand, "I know what I'm doing. These things need to be put in a safe place." he reassured.

"Your pocket is not a safe place, space-bro." Gwen retorted..

"That's funny. Because this one has been doing just fine in there." he smiled, pulling the space stone out of his OTHER pocket.

"You're telling me he had one of those Stones all along and he didn't bother to use it!?" Emma argued.

"It's far better that he didn't..." Gamora stepped in, "When used by those unaccustomed with cosmic power, the Infinity Stones can yield disastrous results."

"Like landing is on this miserable mud ball of a planet." Rocket added.

"He's not wrong." Peter shrugged.

"Will we be thrown back in our cell now?" Venom randomly asked.

"Where did that come from?" Scott shook his head.

"No. If the future is as grim as it looks you're better off by our side than behind bars." Miles shrugged, as Kamala gave him a "Why did you say that?" nudge.

"There are still 4 more stones out there, each one just as powerful, but in totally different ways. If they can all do crazy stuff like that on their own, we really don't want to find out what all six of these can do together. We didn't mean to bring them here to Earth, but it happened. So now it's up to us to track the rest down before Thanos can. I'd like to say this isn't your fight... but you know i'd be lying. We need you. All of you. Hell, probably about twenty more of you. But we'll take what we can get. And together, We'll make sure that there is now way in this galaxy, or any other, that a tyrant like Thanos will—




Everyone stared at Clint, the origin of the phone call.

"Really!? Come on, man!" Quill shouted, "I only get to make speeches like that once, twice a year tops!"

"Sorry. Gotta take this... it's someone important." he said, then answered the call, "Katie. I can't really— Yeah, well there was this thing out at the Raft and— I know but I'm sure— you're kidding me. Do me a favor. Tell them we'll be right there. And I'm telling you... don't follow us."

All eyes were on him, as he sat there and argued with the girl on the other side. He eventually hung up. tucking his phone back down into his pocket.

"Okay, now, can we get back to it?" Quill eye-rolled.

"We better. 'Cause my friend just found your next Stone."

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