chapter 20 / the raft

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"Look, I know we- fought... but we're cool, right?" Kitty awkwardly smiled.

"Yeah. I can care less. It's big sis over here you gotta worry about. Not to scare you or anything." she said quickly.

Kitty just nodded, "So... Fury mentioned something about a dog?"

"Oh! Yeah, right! Lockjaw! Here boy!" she patted her thighs and whistled, a huge, 1200-pound bulldog came out from behind the corner, a little object attatched to his head, "So... what exactly do you need us for?"

"Facing The Black Order... we already had two stones but some sort of break in cosmic balance sent them each spiraling in opposite directions, and trust me... it would be a lot easier if we had quick transportation and another body."

Crystal and Lockjaw exchanged looks, as if they were talking to each other through the eyes, Crystal finally looked back at Kitty and nodded, "We're in."


"There should be no problems getting in, but it's getting out what worries me. The protective shield keeping the prisoners doesn't come down, but if our stone is really at the Raft we have to go."

"What's the raft?" asked Crystal.

"A prison, mainly for elite super powered villains that are too dangerous to be kept in normal ones. It's basically like Alcatraz, but worse." Kitty replied.


"Yeah. It's not really the sweetest place but I'm bet you're used to that."


Crystal became distracted by Fury's eyes landing on her, as he nodded and she whistled for Lockjaw, who came at her command as she patted his side and whispered a couple things to him.

Before they knew it, his little object on his head was glowing, and the atmosphere around began to glow too.

Within a blink of an eye, they were at the prison, interrupting a quarrel mid-way through.

"While that forcefield is engaged, they can't get out, but—"

"Let me guess, neither can we."

(for reference; whenever i say peter, it means spiderman; whenever i say quill: it means star lord, got it? ok)

"Then you're lucky some of us still have a way in!" Fury shouted, as they all were starting to pile through and smile. Standing in front of them, were The Guardians of The Galaxy, +Scott.

"A teleportin' dog?" The raccoon approached, "Is this some kinda joke?"

"You know, I was just about to ask the same thing about the raccoon with the laser gun." Iron Man interrupted.

"It's a quantum igniter, thank you very much. And it can blast you right outta that tin can before—"

"Measure your weapons later, boys. If we want to survive this... we do it as a team." Fury cut in, as he turned towards the whole group, "This is an official SHIELD operation, so you're taking orders from me now."

"Not so fast Fury, we call our own shots." Star-Lord argued.

"Which is probably why were in this mess in the first place! Unless, of course, your sudden arrival has nothing to do with the six infinity stones sized bursts of cosmic energy SHIELD just detected in the vicinity."

"Yeah... we might know something about that..."

"Figures. Just consider yourself lucky that I've got a team of heroes on speed dial for missions of universal importance like this one."

"About that... how'd you manage to get everyone to the raft so quickly?"

"We had some help from Crystal's canine companion, Lockjaw. His teleportation abilities helped me assemblers this unit. And those powers of his should come in handy if we need to call in more backup. With the stones in play, that's more then likely."

"I guess stopping a super-villain prison break is gonna be the the easiest part of our day, huh?"

"The raft is just the start. We tracked the strongest readings here, but the others stones are scattered across who knows where. If they're on Earth again, you can bet Thanos is not far behind. We can't let him — or any other villains — get ahold of the stones at any cost, the fate of the Universe depends on it!"

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