chapter 15 / puny god

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"Watch it, dude!" said Bobby, who only seemed to be interested in if his hair was messed up or not. He claims  it must be ready for any day Johnny Storm decided to shows up.

"Sir, may I ask you what you were doing up there?" asked Kitty.

"Oh, great, looks like the Avengers are also a daycare." he spat.

"Who're you?"

"Not an Avenger, obviously. He's not as fly as them." said Bobby.

"Excuse me! I pride myself-"

"Newsflash! We don't talk like it's the 1950s anymore." said Peter.

"Yeah, pack it up shakespeare!" Kitty added.

"Who are you-"

"Why were you up in the vents?"

"Erm- Nothing."

"Nothing? Great explanation, now you're coming with us!" said Bobby.

"I think not." the man replied, as he picked up his little staff and attempted to hit Bobby, but he quickly converted to ice form, grabbing the staff before it could touch him and continuing on to wiggle it out of his hand, letting it drop to the floor. The man became frustrated, swung at him as Bobby once again found a way out. Yes, the fist hit him but anyone who knew how it felt to punch hard freezing ice would know how much it hurt the poor guy.

"Ouch!" he hissed, shaking his hand a little.

"Alright, I can't do this anymore. Come with me." Kitty said, rolling her eyes and taking the man by the arms.

"You can not! I am a god-"

"Puny god,"


"Just shut up."
"Seriously, that guy thought he was something, huh? I mean- I've had hair dryers that've done more damage than him!" laughed Bobby.

"Jokes aside, what in the world did that guy think he was doing?" Kitty asked.

"Whatever he was doing he obviously had no good intentions."

"Where'd Peter go?" Kitty asked, out of the blue.

"I don't know."

"Uh... okay... so, how's school been?"

"Fine. Lonely without anyone."

"I can only imagine who you've had to deal with."

"While on topic, what was the deal with the silent treatment in the car today?"

Her stomach flipped, sickened by the words from before.

"I don't know."

"Oh," there was a long silence, "Well you don't really have to be a telepath to figure out there's something more then, "I don't know"."

"Just something bad he sad. I don't wanna go into details."


The two then jumped, startled by the voice of a woman.

"If you two are finished with your very deep and heartfelt conversation we have another infinity stone to retrieve." said Agent Romanoff, leaning up against the wall with her arms crossed.

"Alright, well where's the reading?" Bobby asked.

"Down at a place you two might know well. Mid-town high."

"Midtown!" Kitty and Bobby exclaimed in unison.

"What's it doing there?" Kitty asked.

"We don't know. But we've received notice from an inside, well-trusted source it's there. Now we better move."

Kitty and Bobby exchanged looks.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Kitty smirked.

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