chapter 8 / backup?

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They all looked at each other and gave questioning looks, shaking their heads as they were sure they hadn't called anyone in.

"How about this, you guys go get your friend while we track down your other intruder, good idea?" asked Jean.


"It's alright Tony, I trust this one." said Thor.

Jean nodded, almost thanking him as they parted ways, going up a staircase, down some halls, through a couple bots, until they caught eyes of the thief.

"Wait- is that?" asked Kitty.

Scott put a hand to his head, shaking in disapproval.

Jean shrugged, as she yelled, "Remy, where do you think you're going?"

The purpled eyed trespasser turned at the sound of the redhead's stern voice, giving a half smile as he shrugged.

"Here lookin' for you, of course," he said, through his cajun accent.

"Were you really?" asked Scott.

"How generous, I see you took off with someone's valuables too?" retorted Kitty, eyeing the big dufflebag.

"You tink' I'm really gonna come save you guys without takin' off wit' somethin' too?"


"Remy, we know your ways. Now return the riches and come with us."


"That was easier then I thought? It's not really like him to do something like that for anyone...?" whispered Kitty.

"Yeah, well if I was Remy and Jean told me what to do I'd do it too."

"Well Scott, that's because you're a kiss-ass to her."

"Would you two quit your side conversations and hurry? We have to go find the others and stop this outside threat from getting through to the rest of the city." said Jean, sternly.

"Sure, let's go." said Kitty, walking off from Scott and joining Remy and Jean.

They went back the other way and towards where they departed, following a path of crushed bots, until coming back across Iron Man, Natasha, Vision, the Wasp and Thor.

"You guys showed up right in the nick of time," Natasha said, confidently.

"So what exactly are we up against?" asked Scott.

"First of all, who's this?" asked Iron Man.

"This is Gambit, a friend of ours." replied Jean.

"Well he broke in here so..."

"And we broke into your warehouse, there's no difference here."

Shrugs passed through the group.

"We're up against a robot, Ultron's his name. He's wanted to "evolve mankind", he said in quotes, "For years now. Somehow he just rebuilds himself through the tiniest speck of technology there is."

Kitty, Scott, and Jean exchanged looks.

"I don't know either," said Iron Man.

"Let's just go kill him,"

"Wait, but something you should know beforehand..." Vision started, "He has an infinity stone. One the black order is after us at the moment for right now."

"That's just absolutely fantastic!" exclaimed Kitty, raising her hands then putting them on her head, knowing how much power just one of them beholds.

"What exactly do this... infinity stone of yours do?" asked Remy, shuffling through a couple of his cards.

"I don't think anyone as sneaky as you should get ahold of that info. Let's move." said Scott.

"Listen here, bright eyes. We aren't just walking into a battle, with 9 of us by the way, against one infinity stone?" said Iron Man.

"Look around at your new recruits," replied Kitty, "We don't seem too bad, and this isn't our first rodeo by the way either, so stop acting like it."

"Don't sass me, kid-" he was cut off by the familiar stars and stripes guy, along with big green guy and some guy with a metal arm rushing up to the rooftop.

"We came as soon as we could, Tony." said America man, "What're they doing out?"

"We're helping," said Jean.

Everyone exchanged looks for like the 20th time.

"I believe now's our time to go." said Thor, cutting off the silence as he looked over to an army of robots settlingdown on the landing pad.

"Let's get this over with."

"Hey! Now remember, don't get too close, be careful, and don't buy into his bullsh*t!" said Iron Man.

"Got it, thanks." replied Kitty, as her Jean and Scott led the group towards the landing pad.


The armed droids were no match for the X-Men.

And that was proven today.

"You won't get away with this, Ultron." said stars and stripes, quite fiercely.

Their attention was finally fully grabbed, as he lifted up the infinity stone, and started on another one of his huge spiels.

"This stone has shown me the truth about the human mind I was designed to emulate. It is irreparably flawed... and it must be overwritten." he hissed, as the blue jewel soared straight for his head and crunched inside, the metal adapting to the shape, giving it a perfect fit.

His tiny army lifting off from the ground as they started to load up, stop and hesitate a little, waiting for Ultron's lead, he finally came barreling towards them, as they clashed, making it look like some amusing boxing match.

"Kitty, take out the extras and follow my lead!" exclaimed Scott, as beams of red fired out of his visor.

Kitty nodded, as she ran towards the other side of the helipad, staying closely behind the guy with the shield while he deflected the raging blasts, sending them right back to where they came.

She watched as Ultron caught eyes of the two, Kitty dove, almost throwing the guy under the bus as she got out of the way of his chrome charge, sending the man flying over to the other side of the landing, to which he rolled but quickly got up.

Kitty did as she was told, easily taking out the extras as she set sights on the big guy.

If he didn't have the stone, it would've been easy money.

But since that was basically the only thing he was feeding off of at this point, it was nearly impossible for him to just be taken out alone, not to mention that uncomplicatedly.

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