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The first day of school in the new year. Jack Twist was excited. Sixteen years old, he had already made a pretty impressive reputation for himself. He had become popular the day he had got into high school. He was best friends with the football quarterback, Adam. He didn't have a girlfriend. He didn't want to settle down with anyone. He was usually seen with a different girl every day over the summer. The geeky preteen had become a stud. He had a sketchy past, which often resulted in him getting into trouble. Detention became a pretty familiar place for him. And a few chosen lucky ladies.

He and his friends were the group that made fun of all the other groups in school. If you weren't bringing attention to yourself in a good way, you got picked on. If you pretended to be invisible, you got picked on. Nothing bothered them and they would do almost anything for fun or a good laugh. They were the ones that threw the cool parties. Due to his parents' rough marriage, Jack had the house to himself most of the time. Sometimes he would have a party, other times he would throw a party but only invite one girl, who was always excited when she found them home alone. Jack made good use of his parents' bedroom whenever they weren't home.

Jack and Adam were the inseparable duo. They played pranks, not caring if they got caught or not. They got into any sort of trouble they could find. They had been best friends since they were toddlers. Also the type of children that their mothers had pictures of them bathing together, but those pictures had been magically and mysteriously destroyed a few days before the first day of high school. They both tried out for football, but Jack hadn't been cut out for it. He wasn't too aggressive with anything so he usually got pummeled by the other guys pretty quickly. Adam got the football scholarship and Jack got the 'Normal Guy That Fights For The Good Grades And Hopes He Goes To College' scholarship.

Jack hung out with Adam and the rest of the football team after school during practice so even though Jack wasn't part of the team, he still became one of the guys. It was hard not to like Jack. He had a certain charm about him that would make anyone want to hang out with him. And make any girl swoon with his baby blue eyes and winning smile.

He was popular and that wasn't likely to change at all during his school years. Including college.


The new guy, seventeen-year-old Ennis Del Mar, moved into town only a couple of weeks before school started up. Ennis had to adjust to a new school, but he had his girlfriend, Alma Beers, to help him out. She and her family had lived here her whole life. The Del Mars had decided to move here because the schools were better, which included the colleges in the area. It was just a bonus that Ennis was living closer to the girl of his dreams.

Ennis and Alma had met at camp one summer when they were thirteen. Every year since they met up at the same camp and became a couple not long after his fifteenth birthday. They promised to be together forever. When they weren't visiting each other, the phone bill went up and a lot of e-mails and texts went back and forth even through the night. His parents were relieved about the move because their bills wouldn't be so high anymore. Ennis and Alma could see each other every day which was fine by them.

The two of them were similar in many ways. Ennis kept to himself and was quiet around everyone unless he was completely alone with Alma. She was the same way. In public, they would either just sit there and stare at each other or occupy themselves with anything that was around them. She wasn't as shy since she had lived here her whole life, but she didn't have any friends other than Ennis. He had no problem with having just her as a friend. If he could get away with not talking to anyone, his life would be set.

Of course, the two of them had become one subject of ridicule the first day. But, since there was no reaction, Jack and his friends moved on to a fairer game. The nerds. They reacted the most. Jack always enjoyed the debate the group could start. Of course, since Jack and his friends were more likable, the nerd group usually lost when the entire school ended up laughing at them.

It was a good first day.

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