Ennis's Summer 2

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The time to head to the lake had arrived. Ennis had everything packed up when Alma and her family came over to pick him up. He said bye to his parents then left. The trip there took a few hours, but it was well worth it. The lake was beautiful and the cabin they were staying at was far away from anyone else staying at the lake. The perfect spot for Ennis. Other than the fact that he wasn't completely alone.

The first day was spent unpacking and setting everything up. Ennis got a room downstairs while Alma and her parents chose each their own upstairs. Downstairs, he could be alone and just let his mind wander.

After the first night, he didn't want to be alone. All he could think about was Jack. And he definitely didn't want to imagine what Jack could be doing in California right about now. Especially with his talent of charming the opposite sex just to get sex out of them.

The next few days, Ennis busied himself. He thought about calling Jack but didn't know whether or not Jack was at a party or not. And what would happen if Ennis called and someone else answered for Jack? He didn't want that to happen, so he left off calling for another time. Alma and her parents kept him busy anyway. They went out fishing every day though Ennis didn't do much of that.

He couldn't stop thinking about how much better this place would be if it was just him and Jack.

He had these thoughts freely because it was in his head. Expressing as much to Jack was a lot harder. Jack made him nervous and he couldn't think straight. For Jack being who he was, he was really open about his and Ennis' relationship. If it could even be called that.

Ennis couldn't help but hope that something better between him and Jack would arise at the end of the summer.


After about a week and a half at the lake, Ennis and Alma were left alone at the cabin while her parents drove to town an hour away to get more supplies. They hadn't run out of food, so Ennis didn't know what they went after unless it had something to do with the fishing gear. He hadn't asked because he had been lost in his own little world at the time.

Alma sat down beside him on the couch. He looked up from his notebook. He had been forming a poem in his head about Jack but hadn't written anything down. And he probably never would. The feelings Jack gave him just weren't possible to put into words.

"Are you just gonna sit around all month?" Alma asked. "I suggested you come along to have some fun."

"I am havin' fun," Ennis said, looking at her.

Alma gave him a look that said she knew better. "There's only a few weeks left," she said. "My parents think the world of you, but I want you to impress them. So, that way, if we ever decide to get married..." She trailed off when he looked away. "Ennis, what is it?"

"You're already thinkin' of marriage."

"Is that wrong?"

Ennis shook his head then shifted in his seat, putting his notebook down on the coffee table in front of him. "It's just that..." He trailed off, confessing about what was going on with Jack died on his lips. "I don't know. I just--" He stopped when she straddled him, pressing him back against the couch. He had never seen this sort of side of her before but wasn't too surprising since they were the most open with each other when they were COMPLETELY alone.

Except for him opening up about Jack.

"Alma," Ennis said. He couldn't ignore the feeling of how wrong this was. He knew it shouldn't be since she was his girlfriend after all. But, all he could think about was Jack and the desire to feel his touch again.

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