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Jack headed to Ennis' place after school. He got a text from his mom, telling him that she was going to be out for a couple of days. He had found out that she had been seeing someone even before the divorce. He hadn't met the guy and didn't really want to. If she wanted to keep him to herself, that was fine with Jack. The last thing he needed was details about his mom's love life.

He stuck his phone deep in his pocket then knocked on Ennis' door. It wasn't long before Ennis opened the door and invited him in. Jack set his backpack down on the floor by the door.

"Get detention?" Ennis asked, closing the door and walking over to the couch, and sitting down.

"Almost," Jack replied. He didn't want to think about how close he had gotten to getting stuck in detention with Adam. Of course, he would probably sneak Emily in and fuck the time away. "I was let off with a warning. I'm too good of a student to be wastin' time in detention." He sat down on the couch with Ennis.

"If you hadn't said anything--"

"They would've kept sayin' more," Jack said. "Trust me, I know them. And after last year, shouldn't you know what they're capable of doing?"

"They're capable of gettin' their own way."

Jack leaned forward, looking at Ennis. "That's what you got me for," he said. "I was on that side before. I know how to fix it."

"I heard 'round that you're already fixin' it."

Jack shook his head. "I really don't believe everyone's gettin' the balls to stand up to those guys just because of me," he said. "A lot of people have ignored getting bullied. I should know."

"Yeah, but there hasn't been someone popular that gets shoved to the bottom in just one summer," Ennis said. "They were afraid of you, Jack. Now they see the real you. And they see that it's possible for anyone to get thrown down or brought up."

"I don't wanna be a role model!" Jack complained with a pout. He grinned when that got a grin out of Ennis. "So...homework?"

Ennis leaned back on the couch with a sigh. "Can't I just have some time on my own?"

"If you quit that job and moved back in with your parents," Jack said. "Or you could just quit the job and ask your parents to help pay for rent and all until you graduate."

Ennis shook his head. "Remember what I said about doing things on my own?"

"That was too long ago," Jack said, using that as an excuse. "Why can't you realize you can't do it on your own? I don't want to see you not graduating when the time comes."

"I'll graduate."


Ennis sat forward. "Jack--"

"Okay, none of my business," Jack said. "I can always do your homework for you."

Ennis stood up and grabbed his backpack then sat back down on the couch and opened it. "How good are you at math?"

"Uh, one plus one is....three?"

Ennis just looked at him.

"You really should've seen that one coming," Jack said. "I'm the one with the high grade point average, remember? I am the God of Math."

Ennis pulled out his textbook. "Then train me, O High One," he said.

Jack grinned then they got to work.

The rest of the day was spent getting loads of homework done. Helping Ennis out would make Jack finish his own late, but it was worth it. Ennis needed it more than Jack did anyway.

Ennis was prone to stress under the simplest things. Jack was patient with him through it all. It was late by the time they got everything done. Ennis would turn in his homework in the morning and he would be all caught up. Now all he had to do was figure out what to do about his job. Jack didn't know what he could do to help other than talk somebody into taking the job so Ennis would have the chance to quit. That wasn't right, but what that job was putting Ennis through wasn't right either.

Jack and Ennis ended up falling asleep on the couch, both exhausted from working their brains too hard. Schoolwork was a giant burden and Jack couldn't wait for graduation.

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