No Closure

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Jack stared down at his class ring, ignoring his lunch. He could feel Ennis' eyes on him, but they were both silent. The cafeteria was far from silent, though. All of the students were talking about their own class rings and there was the normal excitement about graduation. And college parties. The only exciting thing about college for Jack was that he was going to the same college as Ennis. College parties wouldn't be fun without him.

Then again, since Ennis wasn't a party guy, Jack might not even GO to any college parties. Jack made a mental note to change that. Ennis could have fun when he wanted to.

"You gonna eat?"

Jack looked down at his lunch then started eating.

"What's wrong?" Ennis asked. "You're usually not this quiet. Unless you've done something again--"

"I've been with you every night," Jack said, looking at Ennis. "And that's what's botherin' me." He lowered his voice. "I practically live with you already, what's stoppin' us now?"

"You don't think we're movin' too fast?"

"Too fast?" Jack asked. "We've been together for, like, a year now. We've SLEPT together. How the hell are we movin' too fast?"

Ennis opened his mouth to say something then shook his head and looked away. Jack figured it was either something Ennis didn't want to talk about, or he would open up about it later once they were alone. Jack would just have to hope Ennis would open up. After what happened at the prom, they had been doing their best to strengthen this relationship. And that meant talking. Communication was an important part of any relationship, but it was the hardest thing for Ennis to breach. Jack just had to be patient because he knew Ennis would talk. He almost always did.

They finished their lunch and parted ways for class. The day went by slow because Jack just wanted to be around Ennis. Sure, they hadn't said, "I love you" exactly to each other, but Jack knew that feeling was there.

After school, as Jack headed for the exit, he overheard some nerds around the corner talking about him. He kept out of sight, listening in, hearing one of them say that they had overheard three or four guys admitting to being the guy Jack had been with across the street from the bus stop. Were they trying to gain popularity by saying so? Jack just knew that this wasn't going to go down very well tomorrow when rumors started going around. He'd get the same ridicule as before from Adam and the guys. 'Jack Twist fucks unattractive nerds.'

Jack shook his head and walked off. It probably wouldn't turn into a rumor. After all, who would believe it?

Jack headed straight for Ennis' place.

When he walked in, Cassie was there. Even knowing that she knew about him and Ennis didn't take away the feeling of jealousy Jack always had. Maybe it was just from the fact that Ennis was so good-looking that anyone could snatch him away. Even someone he could clearly see supported the relationship.

"I was expectin' you to call," Ennis said.

"I don't usually call," Jack said. He looked from Ennis to Cassie then back again. "Am I gonna get another graduation present?"

Cassie smiled. "I just came over to tell Ennis about another job opening," she said. "A bookstore near the college. My dad owns it."

"And it's good pay," Ennis said. "But, I'm still thinkin' about it."

"Why think about it when someone's literally handing you a job?" Jack asked. "And since your boss will be someone you kinda know, you can get good hours."


"Ennis wants higher pay," Cassie said. She looked at Ennis. "I can always talk to my dad about it." She placed her hand on his arm. "Just think about it." She looked at Jack. "Bye." She turned and left.

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