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Jack arrived at school the next morning only to find out that there were rumors going around about him and an older woman. All he was worried about was what Ennis would think. But, why would he even wonder about that? Ennis was just a friend. A FRIEND! Nothing more. And that wasn't going to change anytime soon.

The rumor died down by lunchtime. Samantha and her girlfriend getting caught in the men's locker room was way more fascinating to most of the students. Jack was relieved that his attention was over.

He looked at Adam, who was gesturing him over. Instead, Jack sat down with Ennis. Adam just looked at him strangely but put his attention on Emily, who was sitting beside him.

"Heard about that party," Ennis said. Like always, his eyes were on his food instead of Jack. "Have a good time?"

"You always like to believe rumors, huh?"

Ennis picked at his food, glancing at Jack once. "Sometimes, rumors are true."

"Maybe," Jack said. "Just for the record, I didn't know she was in college. And she wasn't handing out that information." He started eating his own food. He didn't know if he had imagined it, but had he heard jealousy in Ennis' rough voice? And the fact that he wasn't looking Jack in the eye...

"Wanna come over to my house this weekend?" Jack asked. "My parents are havin' a barbecue after school on Friday. I've already got plans for campin' out in my backyard." He winced inwardly at the way that sounded. What guy his age had sleepovers? Adam used to come over for their weekend barbecue, but the camping out had stopped when they hit puberty.

Ennis looked at him, a slightly amused look on his face. "You're invitin' me to a sleepover?"

"It's camping," Jack said. "We can roast marshmallows, hot dogs...It'll be fun."

"The kind of party you think I'd go to?" Ennis asked. "I used to go campin' with my brother and dad in the mountains. They'd go fishin' and I'd just...sit there."

Jack gave a slight, knowing nod of his head. "Not a very active guy, huh?"

"I'd rather sit and enjoy nature," Ennis said. "The stillness of the mountains..." He trailed off, looking back at his food.

"I live at the edge of town," Jack said. "You can see the mountains. There's also a forest in my backyard. You can bring your books, jot down some poetry and enjoy the shit outta nature."

Ennis looked at him with raised eyebrows. "You're really persistent about bein' my friend."

"And with Alma not here, it's workin', ain't it?" Jack asked with a slight grin.

"Alma won't like--"

"Tell her you need a guy night."

"A guy night?" Ennis asked. "Sittin' 'round a fire, readin' poetry?" He gave a small smile. "I'll have to talk to my parents, but I'm in." He nodded his head. "Got nothin' but homework on weekends anyway."

"Do you want me to come over later tonight for that tutoring?" Jack asked, picking up his drink.

"Mom likes havin' you for dinner," Ennis replied. "So, tonight sounds good."

"Great," Jack said with a smile. "I'll see you later then." He grabbed his tray then walked over to Adam when he was gesturing him over and sat down. Emily was no longer with him. "What?"

"What the FUCK, dude?!" Adam asked, his voice low before he could shout it. "You were supposed to be DONE with that guy."

"The principal assigned me as his tutor," Jack lied easily. "I don't WANT the job."

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