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Jack woke up the next morning alone. Ennis had left him a note, telling Jack that he was free to use whatever he needed. Food, shower, etc. Jack rolled out of bed, searching around the apartment for all of his clothes. He got dressed, wondering what Ennis would say if he ended up leaving things here, slowing moving in bit by bit. It was a subtle way of doing it, but would it be allowed?

He left his jacket on the couch to find out.

He headed home for the shower and a clean set of clothes. There was enough time for him to do everything and get to school on time. He paused in the hall on his way to class when he saw posters about the upcoming prom. Part of him didn't want to go, because, after all, if he asked Ennis to go, that would be forcing Ennis to bring their relationship into the public eye. Was that allowed? Jack felt that he was ready for that next step. After all, the longer they stayed a secret, the faster "Ennis & Cassie" would go around the school.

Jack turned and headed for class. He would bring up the subject of prom with Ennis at lunch.


Ennis wasn't at lunch.

Jack searched around, but couldn't find Ennis anywhere. He even asked a few teachers, who hadn't seen him either. He finally went straight to the principal's office to ask about Ennis and all he got was something he knew wasn't true:

"Ennis called in sick."

Jack left the principal's office, pulling out his phone to call Ennis like he should have done first, but Ennis didn't pick up. He texted "CALL ME!!!" several times to make sure something got through to Ennis. He ignored the tiny voice in his head that kept telling him that Ennis was out with Cassie. Ennis wouldn't do that to him. Hell, Ennis wouldn't skip school for her. For his job, yes. But, not for HER.

Jack headed for class, stopping in his tracks when his phone started ringing. He pulled it out and answered it immediately, nearly tempted to hang up when his mom's voice came over the phone.

"Jack, we need to talk," she said. "There's something really important we have to tell you." We?

"Can it wait till after school?" Jack asked. "I gotta get to class."

"It'll be harder in person."

Jack looked around then started forward. He didn't want to miss class. "What?" he asked. He thought back to his parent's divorce. It could have gone by smoother if they had just called and told him and left it at that. Though, his dad would still be pissed about his decision to stay instead of move to the city.

"Jack," his mom said, dragging the news out. "I'm getting married."

Jack stopped. "To?"

"That man I've been seeing, Larry," she said. "The wedding won't be until after graduation."

"You expect me to be there?"

"You're going to be."

Jack felt like punching something but held back his frustration. "I haven't even met the guy," he said. "If I don't like him, how do you expect me--"

"I love him, Jack," she said. "That's all that matters. Besides, you're not going to be living at home for that much longer, so you really don't have any say in the matter."

"Shouldn't I get a say?" Jack asked. "After all, I'm the kid that's getting a new fuckin' father."

"Language," his mom scolded. "You can meet him after school."



Jack had wanted to go over to Ennis' after school. He could still do that and avoid meeting this "Larry" guy completely. Jack knew the guy was better for his mom than his dad had been since she was a lot happier now, but Jack didn't know what to do with this entire situation. What if Larry turned out to be worse than his dad? What would he do then?

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