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The weekend was over. Jack showed up at school late because the electricity had gone out after a nasty storm last night. He made it to his first class just in time, though he was scolded for coming in at the last second. It wasn't that abnormal for him. There were countless times that he had shown up for class even later.

Jack didn't hear the rumors until he was walking down the hall toward the cafeteria for lunch. All of it was about Ennis. Specifically, about events when Ennis had been ten years old.

This wasn't good.

Jack hurried to the cafeteria. He spotted Alma, but Ennis wasn't at the table. Asking her where Ennis was probably wasn't a good idea. She was probably thinking what Ennis was probably thinking right now.

That Jack had started those rumors.

Jack turned and left the cafeteria. He knew he was going to end up in detention, but if Ennis wasn't here, he could find him at home. And Jack had to go there to make sure Ennis knew that he hadn't started this. Something else was at work here.

When Jack rounded the corner toward the school's exit, he was suddenly shoved back. He stumbled back into the boys' bathroom, catching his balance before he fell to the tiled floor. He looked forward when the door opened--

Then Ennis was grabbing him and shoving him up against the wall angrily. "I was an idiot for believin' you were different!"

"Ennis," Jack said. "Just listen--"

"I'm not listenin' to you anymore," Ennis said. He looked pissed enough to not listen to any sort of explanation.

And, despite the seriousness of the situation, Jack's heart was pounding, and had butterflies in his stomach at Ennis' strong handling. If Ennis hadn't been holding him up against the wall, he was pretty sure his legs would've given out on him. There was no doubt about it now. He strongly wanted the other boy that was staring daggers at him, prepared to tear him limb from limb.

"If you listen, I can--"

Jack was cut off when Ennis pulled him away from the wall then shoved back against it harder. Jack's head nearly knocked back against the hard wall. His hands came up, gripping Ennis' arms. Ennis' knuckles were white, gripping Jack's jacket with all of his might. Jack couldn't even begin to fathom how the other was feeling right now. He wanted to do nothing more than apologize, but Ennis wouldn't listen.

"Hey!" Jack said when Ennis moved to do him even more harm. He was pretty sure Ennis could cause some irreparable damage. "What happened in that tent?" The look on Ennis' face said he was listening now. "Why would I tell?"

Ennis hesitated a moment then his grip loosened and he released Jack, stepping back. Jack remained leaning back against the wall, just watching Ennis, who walked over to the sink and splashed water on his face.

"I'll find out who did it," Jack said after a moment of silence. "You don't deserve--"

"It's too late," Ennis said. He grabbed a towel and dried his face. "It won't blow over for a while."

"I'll make it--" He stopped when Ennis just looked at him.

"Didn't I say it was better for both of us if you just stayed away?" Ennis said. He shook his head then started toward the door.

Jack stepped forward and grabbed his arm, stopping him. "I'll make it okay again."

Ennis just looked at him without a word. Jack let go of his arm and just watched as Ennis shoved the door open and walked out. Jack stepped out of the bathroom in time to see Ennis storm out of the exit. Something was telling Jack to run after him, but what could he say? There was nothing he could do to make this better. He hoped he would see Ennis again, but he was pretty sure hanging out with him was over and done with. Along with the tutoring. Ennis wouldn't want to ever be around him again.

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