Ennis' Summer 1

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Ennis woke up early that morning. He looked over at Jack sleeping beside him. He thought about everything that had happened over the weekend and didn't regret any of it. Even if he had completely ignored Alma.

He got out of bed and dressed then left a note for Jack before grabbing his things and leaving. He dropped his things off at home before he headed to school. He stopped by Alma's house on the way and walked her to school.

He was nervous about the test but was confident he could pass it. He felt a bit guilty for turning down Jack's offer to help out, but it was too late to do anything about that now.

Alma gave him a kiss then headed off to class. Ennis caught a glimpse of Jack before he went to the classroom where the test was being taken. He sat down at one of the desks. All the other students were talking to each other. He stayed silent, staring down at his pencil on his desk. Everyone knew not to talk to him anyway. After all, he was the closeted shut-in that the football team had completely humiliated.

Ennis had finally learned who had spread those rumors. Adam. Jack's best friend. He couldn't help but wonder if Jack had known and if he had, why hadn't he told Ennis? Adam had found out everything by bribing the principal's secretary. No action was made against Adam. The secretary had been fired and a new one had come in. Thankfully, that time had been forgotten.

He looked up when the teacher walked in. She gave out the tests then she sat at his desk. Ennis was stressed and tried to ignore it. He told his mind to focus as the teacher told them to start.

The test went by smoothly. It was a lot easier than Ennis had thought it'd be. The stress and anxiety melted away as time went by.

The test was over before he knew it. The bell rang, signaling lunch.

Now Ennis was nervous all over again. Because he knew Jack would find a way to come talk to him. And they would have to talk about the fact that Jack was leaving later that day. For an entire summer. Ennis didn't know what was going to happen once vacation was over and probably wouldn't be able to handle it if something went wrong. In fact, he wasn't even too sure he would be able to handle it when Jack left for vacation.

Ennis sat down at the usual table with Alma after they got their lunch. They ate in silence for a few minutes then Alma leaned forward, arms propped on the table.

"Plans for the summer?"

Ennis glanced at her once. "Already decided I had plans with you, no matter what," he said, wondering what the summer would be like if Jack didn't go on that trip. But, how could he think that when he had Alma?

Because he had just spent an entire weekend alone with the guy. Not to mention the sex...

"My parents have this trip planned out," Alma said. "We go to this lake every year and we're leavin' in a couple of weeks." She gave a small smile. "I suggested that we invite you."

Ennis looked at her. "And they agreed?"


He gave her a small smile then propped his arms on the table and leaned toward her in the same manner. "I'd be honored to spend time with you and your parents at the lake," he said which brought back her smile.

"The trip's gonna be a month, so pack accordingly," Alma said. "Wouldn't want you runnin' outta clothes." She smiled at him, teasingly.

Ennis smiled. "There's always the option of washing clothes in the lake," he said.

"Then that'd have to be your job," Alma said.

Ennis smiled then kissed her and she returned it. It wasn't like kissing Jack. With Alma, it just felt like there was something missing. The kiss ended before he could start thinking about Jack. He sat back to continue his lunch.

He paused when Jack walked up.

"Hey," Jack said, looking at Ennis. "Last day of school. Exciting, huh?"

"Don't you have girls to screw before summer break?" Alma asked. She stood and stormed off. Ennis knew she was upset because Jack had seemingly left them completely alone.

He put his attention back on Jack when he sat down...


After lunch, the day went by like it always did. He tried not to think about Jack, but he somehow always showed up. And at the most inconvenient times. He was starting to wish that the weekend had lasted a little bit longer. Or he wished that he just hadn't put all of his attention on studying. Why hadn't he given more to Jack?

He walked Alma home after school, wondering what Jack was doing right now. He wished he had said goodbye if only to have one more moment with Jack. It was pure torture.

Ennis headed home after Alma went inside. He was tempted to go running after Jack, but how could he risk it? Jack would be with the football team and Ennis showing up like that wouldn't be good for either of them.

He wished things were different.

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