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Jack sat down at lunch, ignoring Adam and the others, who were talking about the party tonight. Jack's birthday party. They probably thought he was listening in since he only caught certain phrases about who was going to be invited and what was going to be served and all. Jack was certainly looking forward to it. Because he was in a good mood for the first time in months. He knew he was just being hopeful, but he KNEW who was going to show up for the party tonight.

He waited until the football team stood to head out for practice. Jack stood up and walked over to the other table, sitting down across from Alma. He had seen Ennis head off somewhere a few minutes earlier.

"How was Ennis' birthday?" Jack asked. He had never wondered why he had never been told that, but it probably didn't matter since Ennis was obviously still pissed about what had happened. He had found out only when he had overheard that one of the teachers had sent Ennis a gift. The history teacher. Obviously, he was doing better at school.

"How come you're not askin' him?" Alma asked. He knew she wouldn't forgive him for Ennis' secrets coming to light even though it hadn't been his fault. Apologizing to her just didn't make sense either.

"Cause he won't talk to me," Jack said. He reached into his pocket and set down an envelope. "Could you give this to him?"

"What is it?"

"An invitation," Jack said. "I've got a birthday party tonight. Don't forget to mention the fact that he can bring you along, too."

"I wouldn't be able to go," Alma said. In other words, she didn't WANT to go anywhere near Jack at any time. "If you want him to go, give him the invitation yourself." She nodded her head past him.

Jack looked over his shoulder and scooted over as Ennis came back and sat down. He handed Alma another drink and didn't look at Jack. Jack could feel his breath catch in his throat by just being near Ennis again. He already felt more complete than he had in weeks. If only he could get Ennis alone again...

Jack picked up the envelope and held it out to Ennis. "Hope you can make it," he said, standing up once Ennis took it. "Party starts at eight." He turned to leave.

"A party?"

Jack paused and turned to Ennis. "Birthday party," he said then placed his hand on his chest. "Mine." He lowered his hand. "I really hope you can make it, Ennis."

Ennis just sat there, silent for a moment, his brown eyes studying Jack for a moment before turning away and looking down at the envelope. Jack glanced at Alma, who only gave him an angry look. He nodded his head then walked away.


Ennis didn't move a muscle as he heard Jack walk away. He hadn't been able to explain the feeling in his chest when he was near Jack again. They had seen each other the last couple of months, but they hadn't spoken since Ennis had accused Jack of letting his secret out. Thankfully that was a thing of the past now, but Ennis had suffered terribly during that time. He had never found out who it was that had done it, but he had guessed it had to have been one of the members of the football team. They had seemed to enjoy his torture the most.


He looked up at Alma, who was staring intently at him. "Are you gonna go?" she asked. Her neighbor was giving her piano lessons later that evening. She had been hoping he'd be there with her.

Ennis opened the envelope and pulled out the invitation. "Jack's a friend," he said, remembering that night they had camped out. Blotting out what happened later that night, of course. But, now he found his mind drifting back, remembering every detail.

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