Jack's Summer 1

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Jack woke up the next morning to the sound of his alarm clock. He shut it off then stretched out his arm only to find Ennis gone. He opened his eyes and saw a note. He grabbed it and read it. Ennis letting him know that he had headed home and that he would see him later at school. Jack smiled then got out of bed. He took a shower then headed to school.

Adam and the guys were there to meet up with him. They were all excited about the trip later today. Jack pretended he was also looking forward to it. He knew Ennis wasn't going to leave his mind the entire summer.

Jack didn't find time to talk to Ennis until lunch when Adam and the guys were off doing something. He was pretty sure Adam had snuck off with Emily somewhere. It was surprising she hadn't been invited on the trip.

Jack started toward Ennis' table, pausing when he saw Ennis and Alma leaning toward each other and talking low. Small smiles were exchanged and Jack felt a strong blast of jealousy. Surely after what happened over the weekend, Ennis would realize that he and Alma wouldn't work. Jack didn't want to be an affair. He wanted to be the one for Ennis.

It took a lot of effort on his part to keep cool when Ennis and Alma kissed. Once they leaned back, Jack walked over. "Hey," he said, looking at Ennis. He could practically feel the hateful look Alma was sending him. "Last day of school. Exciting, huh?"

"Don't you have girls to screw before summer break?" Alma asked before she stood and stormed off.

"Ow," Jack said then sat down in the seat she had vacated and looked at Ennis. "I had a great time over the weekend."

Ennis glanced around. To make sure no one was listening? Jack found that he didn't care if anyone heard them or not. Would he think differently if it actually happened? Surely he wasn't that egotistical.

"You and Alma makin' special plans?" Jack asked. Why was he upset about that? He made sure to hide that feeling. Ennis would definitely hate him if he showed any disrespect for Alma.

"Her parents invited me to the lake in a couple of weeks," Ennis replied. "I'm gonna spend a month with them."

A month alone with his girlfriend. Was Alma a virgin? Was she hoping for something to happen? Jack was pretty sure he knew Ennis enough to know he wouldn't do something like that. Especially since her parents would be there, too.


"Have fun," Jack said, not knowing what else to say. He knew it shouldn't be hard for him to talk to Ennis, but talking about Alma wasn't the way to go. Ennis would jump all over him even if he didn't intend to say anything harsh about her.

"Have fun on your trip."


Awkward silence.

"I better go," Jack said, getting to his feet. "Thanks for the weekend. You can still call me while I'm gone."

"Do you really wanna get caught talkin' on a phone with me?"

"Would it be so bad?" Jack asked. "Wouldn't have to worry about keepin' it all a secret."

Ennis stood up, looking Jack right in the eye. "And throw you down to my level and become the laughingstock of the entire school," he said before turning and walking off.

Jack watched him go. Was Ennis just trying to protect Jack, or was he still afraid of what was going on between them? Why couldn't Ennis just open up to him and tell him everything that was on his mind? Reading his poetry wasn't enough to get into the mind of Ennis Del Mar. A few more nights like last night might do the trick, but Jack didn't have those nights. Until summer ended, his nights would be filled with beach parties and women.

Women who would want to get into his pants. Would he get to the point where he was lonely enough to want it? To need that sort of contact? Surely not. The only contact he desired was Ennis' touch. Hell, just Ennis' presence was enough contact.

He wouldn't have that all summer.

Jack didn't see Ennis for the rest of the day. He was hoping for at least some goodbye, but he didn't get it. He headed home and grabbed his bags then met Adam and the guys at the airport. Part of him was hoping Ennis would show up just before he boarded the plane, but things like that only happened in the movies. This was real life.

And a reality he wanted to change.

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