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Jack arrived at school Monday morning in a really good mood. He only saw Ennis at a distance all day, but whenever Ennis looked his way, Jack noticed a small smile on his face before he turned and was gone. Just that little moment told Jack that all was going to be okay. Ennis might not be completely into this, but he wasn't rejecting Jack. He wanted it just as much as Jack did. Jack would just have to slow down so he didn't throw all of it onto Ennis. Which was good since Jack was still trying to cope with it all. But, he was probably doing a better job than Ennis.

He fell back into the routine with Adam and the guys. Jack had tried to hang out with Ennis on more than one occasion, but things always came up. Ennis didn't look like he was too bothered by it. They still sent each other secret looks whenever they saw each other. Jack would always feel his heart beat a little faster whenever Ennis' eyes met his own. Even with going so many days without even speaking to each other, Jack would always belong to Ennis. He was willing to give his all whenever Ennis said the word.

But, Ennis still had Alma. Though their relationship didn't seem to be getting better or worse. They were just dull days. They still went out to the park every day, but with spring coming up, warm weather also did, so their time at the park wasn't as private as it had been during the fall and winter months. Pretty soon, they no longer met up at the park. All their dates turned into study dates at his house. Alma never said anything about it. In her eyes, Jack was back to hanging out with his old friends and left Ennis completely alone. And, with that, she thought things were getting better between them. Underneath, she couldn't have been more wrong.

It was only a few weeks until summer break. Adam and the football team had had a trip planned out and Jack didn't want to leave for the summer without seeing Ennis again before the next school year. Because he knew that that trip would take up all of his summertime. Surely Ennis felt the same. Of course, he didn't know yet that Jack was going anywhere for the summer.

If only things were different...

On his way to class one day, Jack passed Ennis' locker. Glancing around to see if he was being watched, Jack taped an envelope to Ennis' locker. He didn't put anything that would say it was from him. He knew Ennis would know who it was. If not, Jack had signed the note inside. Not with his name, but something that would make Ennis positive.

Looking around once more, Jack headed off to class.


When the bell rang, Ennis headed to his locker for his textbooks. He paused when he saw the envelope taped to it then pulled it off then opened the locker. He took out the book he needed then opened the envelope and pulled out the note inside. On it was written a time and place of what was obviously a special meeting since it was signed, "A lost will, a deep sense, hoping love will come out thence," in Jack's recognizable handwriting.

Ennis felt nervousness wash over him as he read the note. He stuck the note in his locker then closed the door. He gripped his books tighter then headed to the next class when the bell rang. He couldn't stop thinking about Jack and what he had prepared for Ennis later tonight.

The day passed on quicker than Ennis wanted it to and the time of meeting arrived. He ignored the fact that it was in the school cafeteria. No one paid attention to the fact that Ennis hadn't gone home even though the rest of the students had.

He walked into the cafeteria, backpack on his shoulder. Jack was standing at one of the tables, facing Ennis. As Ennis came closer, he noticed the romantic place setting on the table. He lowered his backpack but kept a tight hold of it.

"I bribed the janitor," Jack explained without being asked. He gestured toward the door. "He'll also leave us alone." He gave a slight smirk. "Of course, he thinks I'm with a girl."

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