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The librarian allowed them to leave, reminding them to bring back the report first thing Monday morning. As soon as they were dismissed, Ennis was leaving as quickly as he could. Jack thought about going after him but didn't see the point. He went straight home, keeping the report at his place. His parents didn't even ask where he had been. Jack thought about telling them anyway but knew they didn't care.

Jack sat around all day Sunday, staring at his phone. He didn't know what time church was, but was hoping Ennis would call him afterward. He just had to. He had said it, after all, hadn't he?

Until that short moment of contact.

Jack had buried that moment deep in his mind, choosing to forget it since that wasn't the sort of thing he should be feeling for a GUY. It was madness. Even if he was fascinated by Ennis' life. The fact that he was quiet and still just added to the mysteriousness of the guy. The way those brown eyes bore into you as if he could see straight into your soul.

Clamping down on that thought, Jack snatched up his phone, wondering if he should be the one to call Ennis. But, would he want to, if Ennis was in the middle of church? Would that be disrespectful? He dropped the phone on his bed as if it was suddenly made of fire.

He WANTED to be around Ennis. Why was he having such thoughts? He usually went out and grabbed what he wanted, but he just didn't know what this was and was too afraid to make that move.

He never should have agreed to that bet.

Jack jumped, literally leaping off the floor, when there was a knock at his door. "Yeah?" he asked, getting off the bed.

"Adam's downstairs," his mom said without opening the door. "Says since you didn't go to that party last night, you two could hang out today."

Jack looked at his phone then walked over to the door and opened it a crack, peeking out at his mom. "Tell 'im I can't today," he said. "I'm...sick." He faked a cough then closed the door and locked it, a slight panic settling in. And he didn't know why. Maybe it was just the fact that his best friend was downstairs. He was probably going to ask about detention and what Ennis was really like.

How could Jack tell him that Ennis wasn't so bad? That he could actually be a friend? Adam would definitely stop hanging out with him then. And, since Jack knew that so well, he also knew that Adam wasn't the greatest friend. Popularity ruled above all else. The years they had known each other would be quickly forgotten. Adam wouldn't care at all once he found out that Jack wanted to hang out with the guy he had planned to humiliate.

Jack opened his door back. "Wait!" he said as his mom started toward the stairs. "I'll be right down." He closed the door then went over to his bed and grabbed the phone then headed downstairs.


Ennis sat beside Alma in church. They sat with her parents, which made him extremely uncomfortable. Just like every other time he had been invited here. Alma reached over and took his hand, obviously sensing that he was about to get up and walk away. But, how could he do that to her?

At her touch, his thoughts just went to Jack. And what he had felt that moment Jack's hand had rested on his back. Though the touch hadn't felt welcome, it had felt...perfect. He couldn't explain why and didn't want to dwell on it.

All he really knew right now was that teenage hormones were taking over. He leaned toward Alma as everyone stood up to sing. "I'll be right back," he whispered then quietly excused himself.

He walked into the restroom, heart pounding. He stepped into one of the stalls and locked it. He leaned against the wall of the stall for a moment, fighting back these feelings and telling himself they were there for entirely different reasons.

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