The night

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Rated hella smutty. This is all Chris's POV. Enjoy 😉🤤

Chris POV
Her lips are hot and aggressive against mine and I can't help but lose myself in her like I always do. I know that that there are still questions that we both need to answer to, but right now all that matters is that we were together.

She pulls her lips from mine as starting up at me
with her hazel brown eyes swirling with unease
shining with so many unanswered questions. She opens her mouth I'm assuming to vocalize those questions but she promptly shuts it snaking her arms around my neck and pulling my lips down to meet hers.
I scoop her up in my arms, which is quite easy as
she is light as a feather and carry her to the bedroom of her house. I lay her down gently on the comforter kissing her lips lightly before standing to rid myself of my shirt and pants. I watch as her
hands begin to undo the buttons of her blouse and move to her taking her writs in my hands and
pressing her lips against my neck.

"No...let me" I say against her skin and I feel a
shudder go through her.

I release her wrists and instead use my hand to
slowly unbutton her shirt. I look at her bare torso in awe as I use my hands to explore her soft pale skin. I can't help but smile at her quick intake of breath, I had almost forgotten that this was not a dream and was real. I finish sliding her shirt off and move to unfasten her pants removing them quickly.
Her body elicits such a strong response every time
my lips come in contact with her hot skin that I
can't help but feel pride at the fact that I can easily get this level of response out of her. My lips reach her hips and I sit back pulling her underwear down her thighs and passed her feet discarding them
with the rest of her clothes on the floor. I begin a trail up her legs gently biting and sucking her skin.

"Chris" she moans breathily as my mouth comes
in contact with her most sensitive area.

Her fingers tangle roughly in my hair as I take my
first taste of her. I take my time with her, enjoying the sweetness of her and not wanting to rush. If you would have told me that me and her would be doing this, I would never in a million years believe you ever.

The sound of her labored breath and the feeling of her fingers knotted in my hair is enough to keep my motivated. She is trying to rush me to take her to her climax and make her pleasure me, and even though it bothers me I don't care. Good thing I'm not a quitter.

She lets out a throaty moan and her legs begin the
shake and I know that I have reached that final stretch. I pick up the pace moving my tongue in short quick motions trying to get to that finish line. Her fingers tighten in my hair and I feel her body tense and her back arch as my name pours loudly form her lips.

I kiss her inner thigh tenderly and look up at her in adoration as she catches her breath. She runs her fingers lovingly through my hair before roughly pulling my lips up to hers. She reaches down to remove my boxers and I shift my position to allow her to strip the off. She wastes no time in pulling my body down on top of hers, she knows exactly what she wants and she is determined to get it.

"Chris please... I need you" she moans her hot breath ticking my neck as she wraps her arms around me tangling one hand in my dirty blonde hair in the back of my head and resting the other on my lower back.

I kiss her roughly entering into her slowly. She moans loudly against my lips as I push fully into her. I knot my fingers in her luscious brown locks pulling gently to better expose her neck. I move my lips from her and begin gingerly nibbling on the hollow at the base of her ear learning how much it drives her insane.

"Fuck" she moans but the way the expletive falls from her mouth sounds more like a hymn than vulgarity.

"Hayley" I purr in her ear learning also how much it will drive her crazy.

I sit up grasping her hips roughly and watch as my movements cause her to come undone. He truly is a masterpiece, her brown eye roll gently upwards and her mouth opens slightly as moans come pouring out. Her hands tangle in the bed sheets as I was preparing the words that I was gonna tell her.

"Hayley, I- what does this mean" I ask turning to face her. She smiles and answers "this.. this means that me and you are a thing." She says that happily. I smile knowing that me and her are together officially. She wraps her fingers around mine tightly.
Then we both fall asleep.

Hayley atwell and Chris evans relationship Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora