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Hayley POV
I was on set filming my last shot when Dominic came up to me and said that he had feeling for me. "Hayley I like you a lot give me a chance please" I was shocked that he said that. I wanted to say no and to back off because I'm dating Chris but again I could not because we were keeping it a secret. Next thing I know his lips were against mine. I pulled away as fast as I could and told him "back off Dominic what's wrong with you". I left and went home. When I was opening the door Dominic called me. He was calling me 24/7 so I finally answered. "No, no we are not talking about the kiss Dominic" When I hanged up I saw Steve there. He started to walk up the stairs. I began to cry hard.
"Hello Hayley" I finally snapped out of me going over the day. "I said shoot go talk" Chris said, "Chris Dominic kissed me I swear I do not know how to prove to you but he did I backed up and told him to stop. I wanted to tell him that I was dating an incredible and awesome guy but are relationship is a secret." "Look Hayley I get it but I don't know if I can trust you again" Chris said. This words made me hurt but I understand him. "Chris I get it. If you kissed a girl I would also question trusting you again but I love you no matter what and I will believe your explanation if that ever happens" I said.

Chris POV
I was mad and hurt that Dominic kissed Hayley and it will be hard for me to trust her but I love her and I will no matter what so, I believe her. "Okay Hayley I believe you just" I said while walking to her and giving her a sweet and soft kiss on her lips. I could tell she wanted more but I pulled away and said
"Just figure out what you want okay? I love you" she smiled and hugged me. "I love you too". I went
downstairs to continue making dinner.

Dinner was pretty quite we did not really talk unless we said pass the salt or pepper. I did not really wanna talk to her and I know that sounds mean but I need to think.

I was gonna wash the dishes when Hayley came behind me and started to kiss me. I could tell
that she was in the mood to you know what, but I was not in the mood. "Chris why don't we go to the bed" she said while she continued to kiss my neck. I gently pulled her away and said no. She responded with "why not Chris. Come on"  "no Hayley. Dominic just kissed you and now that I said I believe you, you wanna hop on to go have sex with me no Hayley." I yelled loudly. I looked at her and I could tell she was shocked and hurt that I said that. She began to cry and ran to the room. I went up to say I'm sorry but she just slammed the door.

Hayley POV
I was so hurt that he said that to me and he even yelled it. I understand that he was hurt I was also hurt that Dominic kissed me but he has no right to say that. I was in our bedroom crying I heard him finally opening that door. He came to the side of me and he started to hug me. I pulled away and looked at him "look Chris I understand that you are hurt and I should have never done that but I wanna get passed this because we can work through this. I thought that if we were to have sex right away we are gonna forget.." he looked sorta mad. What did I say to make his face look mad. "Hayley how can I forget that he kissed you. How can I forget that his lips were on your huh? How can I". We were now standing up.

"Look I had no right to yell at you and I'm sorry but I just can't okay" he said. I began to cry. He came to me and hugged me. He said that he was sorry. "I'm sorry Hayley we, we have to get through this and I love you okay I can't leave with out you"

I know that this was not right to do but I just could not help it. I kissed him softly and tenderly. My hands were on his neck and his were on my waist. He was kissing me back, but he pulled away and hugged me. "I love you Chris" I said. I meant that I really do love Steve he is the best that could have Eve happened to me. I just love him so much. He smiled and responded "I love you to Hayley"

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