Birthday sex one shot

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This is all gonna be Hayley's POV of that day

Hayley POV
After surprising Chris to a dinner with his whole family, which surprisingly his brother didn't spoil it, we headed home. The dinner was lovely if I may say. Most of his family was there waiting for him and you could tell that he was happy that they were there.

After we got to the house I ran upstairs to make sure his present was ready for him. "Chris darling can you come up here please?" I yelled for him as I quickly took off my shoes.

He opens the door and he was happy and excited to see what was in front of him. There on our bed was a heart made with rose pedals, and in the middle was a little red box. I was standing in front of him trying to figure out what he thought by his face expressions.

"Aha, wow Hayley you really outdid yourself this time" he said while heading towards the bed opening the box. When he opens if he pulled out a black tight eye mask. I ordered him to put it on while I got his other surprise. He gently bit his lip and obeyed while sitting down on the bed slowly. I rushed into the bathroom connected to our room. I took off my tight black dress from that night to reveal the lingerie set I bought just for this night. It was Chris's new favorite color on me, emerald green. It was lace and revealing but not revealing enough to his liking. I then headed to the bed where Chris sat patiently.

I smirked asking him "Okay. Give me your hand now." He obeyed as he held his hand up for me. I held his finger and traced it along my stomach.

His smile grew wider as I saw his eyebrows slightly raised. "I think I'm gonna like this present." He said husky. I bended toward his ear and whispered. "Your gonna love this present actually darling." He smirked excitingly.

I then traced his hand along my breast and down the crevasses of my chest. His touch was soft and gentle making my skin crawl with goosebumps. I then placed myself on his lap hugging his waist with my legs. I lifted his shirt and pushed him to lay back as I ran my fingers down his chest making him contagiously smiled hard. I began to trail kisses down from his chest to his waist band.

"Is this okay?" I asked him as I looked up at him from where I was. I wanted to be as gentle with him because I new he did not love gentle.

"You can do whatever you want to me" he told me grinning. I couldn't take it no more. I had to take off his eye mask because I needed to stare at him right in the eyes while I pleasure him.

I leaned closer pulling down his eye mask, he slowly opened his eyes and gawked at me and I revealed the new lingerie. He smiled as his eyes traveled up and down my body. I slowly got on my knees.

"Wow Hayley you look, amazing and so sexy." He told me as he tried to lay his hands on my waist, but I pushed them away. I smiled before taking out his cock and teasing him by licking the tip. He bit his lip waiting for more. I glanced up at him smiling before swallowing him whole. I wanted him to feel the pleasure and that is exactly what happened. He moaned as I increased my pace making him tremble.

Before he could cum, I got and pulled my panties down and I pushed him back and got on top of him. His eyes were wide as he watched me be dominant and take the lead. I slowly lowered myself on his cock and began to grind in him as his moans grew louder and filled up the room, as well as mine.

"Ugh right there Hayley!" He moaned making me even more driven, I continued bouncing up and down as his cock hit my g spot sending my body through shocks of pure pleasure. I felt like any second I was gonna explode.

"Ugh Chris!!" I yelled. I pretty sure the neighbors could hear us but we never really did care before on our past experiences.

After speeding up we finally reached out highs and Chris glanced back at me with a satisfied grin.

He pulled me up so that we were both next to each other snuggling together. He closed his eyes for a while, like he was trying to catch his breath. In the mean while I played with his damp hair. I love him so much I would move mountains just to be with him.

"That has to be the best birthday gift anyone could give me. Especially my hot and sexy girlfriend." He said opening his eyes with sparkles in his ocean eyes. "I love you Hayley thank you for this wonderful birthday gift." He said giving me a long loving passionate kiss. I told him that I would do anything for him because I love him and I hope he would do the same. He immediately nodded tightening his grip on my waist.

"Well there is more than we're that comes from if your up to it." I said straddling him, my legs on each side of his waist. He moved his hands up my back slowly. "I love you Chris. Happy birthday." I said bending down and giving him a gentle kiss.

"I love you too Hayley." The rest of the night we made love for as long as we could. We ended up going to bed at 3:00 am exhausted.


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