Pregnate or not

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Sorry I haven't been posting I got my phone taken away and I stole it a while ago and I have been working on this story so yea. Enjoy :)

Hayley POV
I woke up to Chris snuggled up with me. I was gonna give him a kiss in the head but I felt sick to my stomach like I could throw up. I got up and ran to the bathroom. I then began to throw up. When I was done I rinsed my mouth and began to think why I was sick. I then realized that I was late and I have never ever been late in my whole life. I ran to Chris and shake him.

"Chris wake up please it's important." I said worried. He immediately woke up and when he saw my worried face he said "What's wrong Hayley" " I'm late" I said while standing in up and passing around the room. "Your late for your show? Or do you have an interview?" I looked at Chris and was shocked he did not know what I meant.

"Chris I'm late for my lady's days" I say. He looks at me shocked but I see him smiled a bit then he is jumping around. "We are gonna have a baby!!" He says happily. I feel bad because I don't want kids. Not now and I don't know maybe not in the future.
"Chris.... I'm not sure I'm ready to be a mom" I say sad while looking at him "it's okay we will get through this" he says while putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Chris you are not listening to me I don't know if I ever want kids" I say. And once I say those words I see his smile and happiness fade away. He then goes on the bed and puts his hands on his face. I now feel terrible.

Chris POV
Once I hear her say she does not want kids, I began to cry. I love Hayley so much I really do but I also want to have kids and be a dad. I especially want to have kids and creat an amazing family with Hayley. I understand that she might not want kids because of work and we are young. I looked at her with tears in my eyes "Um... I need to go um. To the bathroom" I say going in while wrapping my tears away from my face. Hayley comes up and hugs me. But all I do is push her away.

"Chris" she says to me, but I just look down at my feet. "Chris look at me" she says sadly. "I can't look at you Hayley. I can't." I say while still looking at my feet and walking downstairs. "Chris wait we need to talk please just wait" she says while chasing me downstairs.

"Yes Hayley." I say while turning around to face her. "Does this mean we are done" she says sadly. I grab her in for a hug. I hug her tightly and I kiss her head. She then begins to cry on my chest. "Hayley I love you so much and even if you don't want kids, I and still gonna be with you okay. I love you" I say while caressing her cheeks. "I, I love you to Chris" she grabs my face and our lips collide together. I pull away after a while and hug her again. "Chris I know you want kids and I do wanna start a family with you and maybe be your wife, I'm just scared" she says while walking to sit on the couch.

"Hayley it's okay I'm here and I support you okay I will never leave you again. I will even stay with you if you decide to abort or put our baby to adoption." I say sadly while sitting next to her. "Chris I will never ever do that okay. Even if I am scared I won't because I wanna be with you for the rest of my life." She says while grabbing my face and kissing me.

Hayley POV
I put my lips gently on Chris's lips and putting my hands around his neck. I love Chris and I may be scared to be a mom but I love him and I am willing to do anything to him. He pulls away and asks me something. "Hayley are you sure your pregnant like did you take a test?" He says while rubbing my back. Oh shoot I did not even a take a test.

"Crap" I say while getting up. "What! What's wrong?" Chris says worriedly while getting up.
"Chris don't get mad but I have not taken the test yet" she said putting her hands on my shoulders. "HOW DID YOU NOT TAKE THE TEST YET!!" Chris said loudly. "I said don't get mad" "I'm sorry your right let's go to a pharmacy okay" I said calmly now. "Okay I love you" Hayley said while kissing me gently. "I love you too" He said while hugging me.

Me arrive and the clinic. We get out the car, and we are immediately surrounded with paparazzis. I was scared until I feel Chris's hand on mine and him taking me into the clinic. Once we get inside we both walk hand in hand and ask someone for a pregnancy test. We grab it and walk outside.

When we get home I run to the bathroom and take the test. We had to wait 5 minutes, and let me tell you those were the longest 5 minutes ever. Me and Chris were both eagerly sitting on our queen size bed waiting for the tests to tell us. I got two digital tests from the clinic. The time was up and when I look at the tests I was shocked.

Chris POV
We were waiting for the two pregnancies tests and those were so long. When they were up I looked down and both of the tests said, not pregnant. I was sad and also I bit mad. I looked at Hayley with tears and my eyes and all she does is take me into her arms. I start to cry on her lovely sweater. "Hey Chris its okay. The time will come okay when we will get our babies okay. We just have to be patient. Remember everything happens for a reason. I love you. And we will keep on trying for babies okay."  Hayley said while hugging me tightly. I pull away from the hug and say "okay. I love you more. And yes we will practice and make babies a lot." I said laughing. I pull her in for a sweet passionate kiss.

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