Yandere Barbie Doll x Fem Reader

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Character: Barbie


To say that I loved Barbie would be a drastic understatement. I owned all of the movies and various Barbie Dolls that I have collected since my childhood. So it would be no surprise to anyone that I would be ecstatic to find a vintage Barbie Doll at a dusty old thrift store. Especially a doll as lovely as this one is.

I squeal out in excitement as I clutch onto the gorgeous blonde doll dressed in a lavish sparkly pink bodycon dress and bright pink high heels. You might think that it would be ridiculous for a seventeen year old girl to be gushing over a Barbie Doll, but I never really cared about other people's opinions.

Immediately, I speed walked over to the checkout area with an eager smile plastered on my face. The old lady working the cash register giggles in amusement at my childish antics.

"That's quite a pretty doll you found there my dear." She softly says.

"I know I just love Barbie Dolls so I couldn't leave without buying her. How much is she?" I ask trifling through my worn down wallet.

The sweet old woman inquisitively examines the doll in search of a price tag. Baffled, she looks back up towards me. " I can't seem to find the price tag darling." She strokes her wrinkled chin deep in thought. "Tell you what sweetheart, I'll give her to you for twenty dollars."

"You've got a deal!" I state proudly. I pull out two ten dollar bills and place them on the counter. The woman hands me back the doll and I dash out of the door giving the old lady a wave goodbye in the process.

I race down the cracked street in a hurry to get home so that I can put my new doll in my massive doll house. The setting sun glares down on my face as my feet thud against the concrete. I'll have to run faster to make it home in time for dinner. With the Barbie still in my hand, I pick up my speed. Within minutes I can see my house in the distance. Once I finally reach my home, I fling open the door and step inside.

Ragged breaths leave my chapped lips as I lean over and catch my breath. At the sound of me slamming the door open, my mom walks in.

"Y/n you are thirty minutes late for dinner! What were you doing? Were you talking to that neighborhood boy again?!" She inquires in an unamused tone. Arms crossed, she glares down at me while she taps her fingers on her arm, awaiting my answer.

"Sorry mom! I got caught up at the thrift shop. Look what I found though!" I say as I raise up the beautifully dressed doll.

"Yea yea just go put her in your room and come down for dinner, yea?" My mom lazily drawls out.

At the mention of her words, I traipse up the staircase and into the hallway. Although instead of a clean hallway like it was this morning, my brother's toys are scattered all over the floor. Really Marcus? Do you have to be this messy? I sigh as I tiptoe through the endless piles of tiny knick knacks and action figures, making sure not to step on them. Doing so would be absolutely painful and would probably result in me hurling something at my annoying brother.

After avoiding the junk my brother calls toys like a spy avoiding stepping on a landmine, I finally reach my beloved door. I twist the knob and swing the poster covered door open. My eyes are immediately met with my gigantic pink dollhouse. I skip over giddily to the said structure and open it up. With my Barbie in hand, I set her down in a fluffy red doll chair inside the house.

"My name is y/n and I'm gonna be your new owner ok? I have to go eat dinner now. Be sure to play nice with my other dollies!" I say to the Barbie.

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