Yandere Queen Azshara x Fem Reader

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Video Game: World of Warcraft

Character: Queen Azshara

I just love World of Warcraft so much lol. I've been playing since I was like nine years old and I'm such a junkie for the lore lol.

Also I am probably gonna write some yandere  headcannons in the future. Is that something you guys would like to see? Yes, no, maybe so? Feel free to comment your thoughts!


Queen Azshara, the most lovely and charismatic Highborne in all of Zin Azshari, the most powerful spellcaster who's beauty outshined the moon Goddess Elune herself, was adored by everyone. She was so alluring that all of the Highborne men longed to rule at her side and all of the Highborne women dreamed of becoming one of her chosen handmaidens. To say she had everyone wrapped around her finger would be putting it lightly. Well maybe that wasn't entirely true as her most recent chosen handmaiden failed to worship her entirely.

Y/n L/n was the most perfect being in Azshara's eyes since her knowledge of The Burning Legion and their leader Lord Sargeras. Not only did she have radiant golden eyes which was a sign of unsurpassed greatness in Highborne and Night Elf society, but she also had the most enthralling pale purple skin that would put the twilight sky to shame. Not to mention, a head of long and elegant silver hair just like the queen herself. Y/n was truly a masterpiece in the Queen's eyes.

And while she followed her orders like a good servant there was still one issue. Y/n never showered her with compliments and gifts like the rest of her people. She would simply do as she was told and be on her way. No extra praise or ogling at all.This made Queen Azshara upset and yearn for more of her attention. Afterall, the Queen loved her as much as herself and Sargeras. She loved her so much that Azshara had tried many enchantments and tricks to try to make herself more attractive to the young Highborne, but nothing worked. She even ordered one of her own handmaidens to be executed after they made fun of y/n. And of course that didn't work either, none of her attempts did. How was her plan of ruling a perfect world and the cosmos with y/n and Sargeras going to come to pass if the handmaiden did not entirely return her affections? Perhaps she just needed more bonding time with the girl and she had just the idea.

The Queen lets out a tired sigh as she lounges on her cushion. "Y/n my dear~ Would you do me the honor of brushing my hair?" She asks in a charming tone.

Y/n, who is standing next her, replies instantaneously. "I would be delighted to brush your hair my Queen." Then she bows down gracefully before grabbing the golden hairbrush from one of the other handmaiden's. Carefully, the girl sits behind Azshara and gently picks up a section of her luxurious white strands of hair. The brush glides through her pristine voluptuous locks. As a result, she leans into y/n's touch.

"Isn't my palace just grand?" The Queen asks the young handmaiden.

"Why yes of course, your majesty. Your being bestows honor upon everything that you touch." Y/n states as she continues to groom her.

At the mention of her words, Azshara turns around to face her. Softly, the royal reaches for the beloved handmaiden's face. Her blue hand endearingly rubs against the girl's cheek as she gazes into her golden pools. "Then why do you still shy away from me?" Azshara questions seductively.

Y/n lowers her head "I do not feel worthy of your grace, your majesty." She says. Her long ears droop as she sets the hairbrush down.

The queen lifts the servant's chin up gently with one finger. "My dear, I would not have chosen you as a handmaiden if I thought you were not worthy of my presence." Azshara pauses for a second. She charmingly smiles at y/n. "When you are done with your chores, meet me in my chambers this evening. I have something to show you." She states tenderly.

"Yes my queen." Y/n states as she nods. Then she lifts herself up off of the extravagant lounge. Soft footfalls 'pitter patter' against the floor as she exits the room. Immediately she notices Xavious, Azshara's councilor.

He warily and rudely eyes the girl up and down. Xavious was not fond of y/n at all. She had what he wanted most in the world. The Queen's attention and affections.

In return, y/n eyes him as well. "The Queen is waiting for you Xavious. You may enter now." She states softly. He only lets out a grunt as he traipses past her.

She sighs at his behaviour. You see, she never really wanted the position at all. She never wanted to become the Queen's handmaiden or live in her palace or be surrounded by such nobility. What y/n wanted most was to become a priestess of Elune like Tyrande Whisperwind. But she would be foolish to deny Azshara her wishes as she was the most loveliest being in Azeroth. The light of lights as everyone referred to her.

She had about an hour or so until she was expected in Azshara's quarters so she had better get a move on. Y/n calmly goes about the palace doing menial chores here and there. Quite a few times she even conversed with Lady Vashj herself, another of the Queen's personal handmaidens. Although she wasn't as favored as y/n.

Time quickly whisked away and before she knew it, y/n was in front of Azshara's room. With a quiet knock, the girl enters the ruler's chambers. Azshara stands on the balcony with a glass of wine in her hand. Occasionally she takes a few sips as she gazes down below the palace. "It's all imperfect....." She says as she lets out a drawn out sigh. "But soon it won't be."

Having no clue as to what she was going on about, y/n steps towards. "What do you mean your majesty?" She asks inquisitively.

Azshara gestures to her to come closer. As the girl does, she gently holds her hand. Occasionally rubbing circles onto it in a soothing manner. "I mean the world." She then points towards a portal off into the distance. Monstrous creatures begin pouring from the demonic gateway destroying everything in their path. People shriek and cower as the demons rain a green hellfire down upon them. Bodies litter the ground mutilated and singed.

Y/n gasps in horror at the foul sight. "What is the meaning of this? I don't understand. Why are you not doing anything to stop them?!"

The Queen softly smiles at her. "Because this world is imperfect and I need it to be perfect. Just like me.... Just like you.... And Just like Sargeras.... But don't worry no harm will come to you or those in my palace." She pauses as she grabs a strand of y/n's hair and twirls it. "We'll build a perfect world all together and rule" Then she leans into kiss y/n's impeccable lips.

Y/n roughly pushes her away and stares at her with sorrowful eyes. 'This must have been why she had so many meetings with Xavious. Why no one but the nobility was allowed to use the greatest magic and power source, the Well of Eternity. She's going to usher in the Burning Legion! How could she? How could she betray us all?! Her own people.' Y/n immediately sheds tears.

Azshara reaches out to calm her beloved handmaiden, but y/n refuses to allow her to touch her. "Why must you continue to fight me y/n?" She gracefully asks as if nothing is wrong.

"Because this is wrong and I don't want to build a perfect world with you!" Y/n yells as she sobs.

Azshara pauses. No one has ever dared to yell at her or defy her in thousands of years. Truly y/n is being difficult. "No matter." She charmingly states. "I'll just have to force you~"

Immediately puppet strings come out of nowhere and grasp onto the girl completely restraining her as Azshara commands her to come. Slowly they drag y/n even closer to the vain but alluring ruler.

Y/n tries to escape, but the spell will not let her. While her thoughts remain free, her body is not. She is completely enchanted into following every order that the Queen commands. Once y/n is standing directly next her, she commands the girl to look out into the fray.

"You see y/n, either way we will have a perfect world. All we need to do is wipe away all of the imperfections first. Yeah?"

Y/n, like a zombie, nods. Meanwhile in her head she is screaming at the horrible scene in front of her. No one is safe from her wrath or Sargeras's.

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