My last dance, maybe?

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Dubai, UAE

I landed in Dubai on Wednesday evening, Erica and Tim were already in the city in the morning. It was possibly my last weekend and that teared me up, I didn't want to say goodbye just yet.

I spent the evening settling in, waking around the hotel trying to soak in the reality of the situation. The two of them were at the track, probably talking to the other seniors.

I laid in bed, with so many thoughts on my mind. There was way to much of noise inside my head for me to possibly to possibly sleep. The moon looked blissful from my window tonight, I decided to sit out in the balcony and admire her for a while.

Maybe talking to her could help me out? Always so serene, looking over all of us as we sleep or stay awake contemplating what we're doing. My phone rang, it was him. Just seeing his name pop up made me happy, warm on the inside.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Go to sleep."

"You were the one who called me up! You should be sleeping too."

"I can see you, sitting in the balcony and looking at the sky like a blissful fool." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"You, are a creep!" I teased him, even if on the inside I was turning to mush hearing his sleepy hoarse voice.

"I'm looking out for you! Go to sleep, you have to get to work tomorrow." He yawned.

"That I will, also do you have time to meet an old friend? I haven't had the time to talk to you since Austin."

"I'll tell you tomorrow morning, go to sleep!"

"You go to sleep too! Good night."

"Good night Ma puce." He ended the call.

And so I did, with a smile on my face. The world seemed rosy again, all of a sudden my worries didn't feel so big. Maybe with him by my side, nothing could hurt me.

I woke up to the sun pouring into my room, from the windows. I felt like I had a spring in my steps, I showered put on my work clothes and headed down for breakfast before heading to the circuit in Abu Dhabi.

"Good morning!" I smiled at Erica who was already seated at the table.

"Someone's in a really good mood!" She chirped.

"Yes, I am! The last thing I did before going to bed really made my morning."

"I don't want to hear-"

"Oh my gosh Erica! Get your head out of the gutter." I cringed.

"You said it not me." She smirked, "So have you had the chance to speak to him yet?"

"No, not yet."

"When are you planning to tell him about everything?"

"One thing at a time, first I have to tell him this might be my last weekend..." I heard my voice drift.

Last race weekend, it stung me. Have I mentioned how much I loved this and didn't want it to end? Yeah I guess I did, now I was about to sob just thinking about it.

"No no my love don't cry!" She reached over the table to give me a hug.

I wiped away the few tears that trickled down and laughed, I was behaving like a little child. Why was a I being so irrational?

"Telling him is going to be hard! I haven't come to terms with the fact I might not be here next year, how am I supposed to explain that to him? 'Hi Arthur, I might not be here next year but I'm in love with you-'"

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