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The night was dark

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The night was dark. A dark expanse brightened by the harsh white street lights. The streets were empty save for the odd car or two that drove by. The windows had the curtains closed and had only darkness inside for the most part. The sky overhead was as dark as the alleys except for the fact that it was littered with stars.

Kintsukuroi, the vigilante, ran and jumped from building to building. She was covering the route of patrol she usually took. Doing what a hero should have done. The vigilante stopped at a roof and peered down into a dead-end alleyway, fidgeting with the brass knuckles in her hand.

A woman, with a gun. Loaded and ready. Lean but fit. Blue skin, green hair, webbed hands, water-based quirk? A man, with a messenger bag. Thin and Tall. Animal ears on top of the head, slim tail. Animal Mutation quirk?

Kintsukuroi tsked, pulled out her two katanas and clanged them together as she jumped down. The mugger turned towards the noise and Kintsukuroi smirked as she aimed for the gun. She used her katana to push the gun and kicked the mugger in the head, knocking her unconscious. She turned to the victim, who was unharmed and bowed in a flourish after sheathing her katanas.

"Kintsukuroi, at your service" quipped the Vigilante and fled into the night.

The man watched the vigilante who had appeared 6 years ago leave and let out the breath he was holding. That mugger almost had him, now to call the police and eventually, go home.

Kintsukuroi watched as the man called the po-po and only left when she heard the sirens. A silent night. A sign of peacefulness or the calm before the storm?

As the vigilante continued to patrol, she mulled her thoughts.


The superpowers appeared one year when a luminescent baby was born. After that, there was a rapid increase in quirks. Obviously, like with any change, there was turmoil. The ones with Quirks were labelled as monsters and villains. With time, the ratio of Quirkless to Quirked changed and soon? It was the Quirked in power. And as always, society adjusted. With the presence of superpowers, a job, a dream which all kids dreamed of, became reality.

Society became fixated on HEROES. Merchandise to technology to schools became focused on Heroes. They praised those with power and condemned those without. They labelled the quirks into types and made people by design. The Hero Society rewarded powerful flashy quirks that are easy to sell while completely ignoring not only quirkless people but also people with more grey-moral and messy quirks. They put down those with what they consider 'evil' quirks.

Kintsukuroi stopped on a high roof and breathed a heavy sigh. She crouched down and kept her ears open. A slow and silent night. She would have been glad for the silent night if she had not read the dark web recently. That and her nostalgia seem to haunt her ever so much lately. She looked towards the sky, what was she thinking?

Ah, Quirks. Quirks and Society...

A cycle of creation and destruction as society created its heroes...and its villains. They were the cause of everything. They fixated on the black-and-white picture, the thick lines of good and bad. On the fact that a villain was deplorable. A hero was good.

A villain was a murderer, unkind, selfish, and hurtful, and it was all of their own choices.

A hero was kind, helpful, strong, compassionate and it was all of their own choices.

But they always forget one thing about Villains. What made them so? What made them a villain? What pushed them over the edge? Was there anyone who could have saved them? Are they doing it because they like it? Or are they just hurting? Were they looking for help? Who was going to save them?

A hero...A hero was supposed. Is supposed to. What made a hero though? A hero is a person who stays strong even facing a serious problem. A hero will find numerous ways to help other people. Any person can be called a hero when saving someone else's life. The person who motivates other people to live their lives with courage and face all the difficulties with their heads held high can be a hero as well.

They forget about the criminals as well. Simple shoplifters, thieves, thugs looking to just get by. Yet they get the same labels as say...a serial killer. Vigilantes? A person who attempted to do good with their quirk. Thus, breaking the law. They were considered criminals as well.

Lines between good and bad have never been clear, it has always been blurred. Things were not black and white or white and black. Yet society saw it like that. Their rose-tinted glasses were always on.

Kintsukuroi stood up and stretched her arms. She rested her hands on her hips after pulling down her hood and letting her auburn hair, free. She raised one hand to lift her fox-like mask. She let out a soft breath and watched it swirl up.

Life was unkind.

Society was cruel

And Fate? Fate was unpredictable...these were lessons she had learned at five. When her family, her friends...

Kintsukuroi dropped her mask on her face. She shook her head as she pulled her hair into a bun and her hood up. No use swimming in the past.

She looked around to see taller buildings to her right. She bundled up her scarf closer to her and tightened the straps holding her katanas and a few pouches. As a vigilante, she needed to be ready for anything and so her suit was simple. Black leggings, black coat, white fox mask and belts holding pouched and her katanas.

She jumped on the telephone pole and made her way towards her target. The tallest building in the vicinity. Where, even if someone was awake, no one could see her but she could see them. Jumping and moving to an imaginary beat in her head, she danced.

On the building, she made to take off her mask for a reprieve when she heard rustling. She paused and turned, grinning.

"Hello, Eraserhead. How are you on this beautiful night?"

"Kintsukuroi. Tired. You? "

Kintsukuroi tilted her head, before bowing with a dramatic flourish, "Forever at your service! Have a good night Eraser! It's quiet tonight!" Giggling as she ran towards the edge, she turned around and gave a lazy salute before she let herself fall off the edge. Knowing that Eraserhead wouldn't follow her. She wasn't a vigilante...not really.

Using her grappling hook gun, she fled into the night. Making her way to her apartment, unseen and unheard. After all, she had something to look forward to tomorrow.

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