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As Miharu walked out into the sun, she breathed in again

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As Miharu walked out into the sun, she breathed in again. Feeling the heat and light on her skin, Miharu stretched like a fox. 

As Present Mic announced the classes, Miharu turned towards Class 1-C and skipped over. 


She could hear the murmurs from the other students but she only had eyes for her friend. Hitoshi looked down at her and smirked, "Isn't this fraternising with the enemy?"

Yaomomo stood beside Miharu, "No. I don't believe so. Do you Fumi-san?"

Dark Shadow popped out of Fumikage, "NAH!"

Koji nodded furiously beside Miharu. Miharu simply winked at Hitoshi and smiled when he smiled back.

Once Present Mic was done, Midnight stepped up. "NOW! Time for the Athlete's oath. Since this year, we have a tie for first place, we'll have two students for the oath!"

Miharu grinned as she heard people talking about the Principle (NEDZU THE RAT GOD). 

"PIPE DOWN! Ahem-" Midnight cleared her throat. "This year's Student Representatives are..."

Fumikage tilted his head, "R-Rated? Should she really be in a high school?"

Miharu snorted as she stared at him. Was he BLIND?! She's been teaching them for a few weeks now. What the fuck Fumi-san?! Yaomomo, Ko-kun and Toshi were holding in their laughter too..

"SHUT IT! Anyways...They are! From Class 1-A Katsuki Bakugou and Fujiwara Miharu!"

Katsuki shouldered her as he passed her and she stepped forward as well. She could hear people talking in the background but all she could think about...think about HOW SHE HAD FORGOTTEN WHAT SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO SAY!! OH SHIT NO FUCK FUCK FUCK NOOOOO

"The Athlete's oath...Make no mistake about it. I'm gonna take first place. You'll all make great stepping- ACK"

Miharu grinned, all teeth no warmth as she pulled on Katsuki's collar. "That's enough Kaachan!" Miharu pushed him away (he didn't yell at her!!) as she took a deep breath in. "Forgive my classmate, he's very passionate about these kinda things!" 

Miharu heard laughter from around her as she smiled sheepishly. Looking down at her hand, she sighed. She let her hand rest on her chest, where her heart was, "Hear me, everyone. Everyone here, Everyone in all the classes, from the hero course to the business. We have something to prove. Whether it is here on stage or something in private. We all want to do our best. It doesn't matter where we are from, what quirk we have whether it's supposedly a "villain" quirk-" Miahru rolled her eyes as she made quotation marks with her hands, "Or it's somebody with no quirk at all." 

Miharu grinned fierce and proud, "We're all here to show that we're ready to say that it's our turn now. We are here and we're ready!" Miharu raised her fist in the air, "TO GO BEYOND! PLUS ULTRA!"

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