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Kintsukuroi sat on the roof, dangling her legs as she stared up at the stars

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Kintsukuroi sat on the roof, dangling her legs as she stared up at the stars. Oh, she thought, to be one of them. She had just finished up patrol and aside from a few mugging and chatter about gang activity. There was nothing much. Sooo Borinngg...

Hearing the rustle of a scarf, Kintsukuroi stood up and tilted her head, "ZawaHead!"

"It's Eraserhead, kid."

The man had dishevelled hair, white capture scarves and a pair of yellow goggles. As per usual...he looked like he hadn't gotten a lick of sleep.

"Bleh," said Kintsukuroi as she stuck her tongue out, "Don't need to be soooo grumpy! Eraser! Besides, you like nicknames from your favourite vigilante."

"You're the only vigilante currently..."

Kintsukuroi leaned to the side, "Still makes me your favourite by default. Although, tell Detective Tsukauchi that the Oni Gang seems to be stirring lately, along with the JackRabbits. Seems iffy and icky..."

Eraserhead sighed, "Yeah okay kid, also why did you replace all his coffee with tea last week?"

Kinstukuroi gasped and raised a hand to her chest while the other went to her forehead, "I am appalled, no! Devastated! That you think I would ever do such a-" She trailed off at the look on Eraserhead's face.

"Geez, don't have to be so spooky! I did it. That guy needs to sleep, man..."

Eraserhead nodded as he understood, Kintsukuroi did things like that for the local precinct if she thought they were pushing themselves too hard. 

Although, she was a huge hypocrite. She barely slept if the time at the moment was any indicator.  He sat down on the roof and watched Kintsukuroi follow him. She wasn't paranoid. Not anymore, not since she had dropped the bomb that she was quirkless, a few years back. He doesn't think she knows that he knows if the way she was delirious with lack of sleep (and suspected blood loss) was any indicator. The way she acted about her family or any other case indicated a bad family. 

Plus she was skinny and short as hell, regardless of her suspected age. Speaking of skinny, Eraserhead tossed a granola bar, after taking it out from his utility belt, towards Kintsukuroi, "Here."

Kintsukuroi tilted her body in a way that she hoped to convey, 'What? Really?' as she caught the bar, "This shit? Are you serious?"

Eraserhead huffed and hid half his face into the scarf to hide his smile, this kid. "It has chocolate chips in it."

Kintsukuroi perked up, "Oh! Nevermind! Chocolate is good. Chocolate is life!"

Eraserhead looked down at Kintsukuroi, "Kid. Did you try for U.A.? You said you wanted to."

Kintsukuroi bounced, "Ohoho! Trying to figure out who I am? Also, you remember that? That's wild, man. I told you about that- like ages ago."

"You said it was allowed. I'm just using all the resources at hand. It's logical."

Kintsukuroi raised her hands to stroke her imaginary beard though the movement was impeded by the mask, she did it all the same, "Hm...what do you know...You know my hair is brown, eyes as well. Fair skin tone. I like cats. I'm 149 cm exactly..."

"I thought it was 140..."


Eraserhead and Kintsukuroi stared at each other, neither backing down. "You're short."

Kintsukuroi deflated, "Waaah! I'm tiny!! Cursed for all eterni-" She stopped, ears straining. Did she hear something?

Eraserhead stilled. What happened? Wait...

"Did you hear that?" asked Eraserhead

"I'm not sure..."

A shout for help rang out once more. Kintsukuroi and Eraserhead were on their feet and jumping onto the next roof in no time. Moving as a unit, they arrived at the site, where a woman was screaming out 'Fire!' while trying to fight off a drunk man.

Kintsukuroi growled and jumped feet first, aiming for the man's head. 


Hitting her target head-on, the man stumbled. Mutation Quirk. Scales on his face, arms and legs. Green hair. Eraserhead was next, using his capture tape to tie the man up as Kintsukuroi moved towards the woman, making herself smaller than she already was. He would call the police.

"Hello Ma'am...I'm Kintsukuroi."

The woman didn't reply. She was shaking and staring vacantly at the ground. Mental or Emitter quirk possibly? Her hair was orange. Average height. Kintsukuroi sat on the ground in front of the woman, raising her hand in front of her and slowly lowering it near the woman. The woman blinked slowly and put her hand on top of Kintsukuroi's. She smiled, the woman was slowly focusing.

The orange-haired woman looked slightly higher to find the tilted head of Kintsukuroi and a dishevelled homeless-looking man with white scarves who was dragging the-oh god-dragging the guy who tried to...

"'s okay. Focus on me. Look at me."

Kintsukuroi was tilting her head to the other side. That guy had almost...she looked towards the fox-masked girl.

"You're safe now. He's going to jail. No more. You're safe now...Eraserhead saved you. You're safe..."

Kintsukuroi continued on and the woman calmed down. Soon enough, she stood up and wiped her tears, arms and hands with the wet wipe Kintsukuroi handed her. Did she just carry that around? The orange-haired woman glanced at her who stiffened as the sirens sounded out.

"Kid...just go." Eraserhead. Why did he look like an exasperated dad though?

"But," Kintsukuroi spluttered. 

Ah, she was a vigilante. She forgot with how she acted. The vigilante was her hero at that moment. "It's okay...I'm better now."

Kintsukuroi looked at her, "For sure?"

When the woman nodded, Kintsukuroi's body perked up. "Alrighty! Don't forget to take care of yourself! Plus, no shame in going to a therapist! I'm pretty sure all heroes at some point go to one!" 

Kintsukuroi pulled out her grappling gun just as the detective arrived, "Enjoy the tea Tsuka! Take care, hun!"

The orange-haired woman looked towards the vigilante as she glided away. The detective sighed as if exhausted, "Why is she like this? I haven't had coffee in a week! AND! Sansa had catnip in his stressball!!"

Ah, that explains it.

Eraserhead shrugged. "Sucks to be you."

The orange-haired woman gave her report to the officer and went on her way. Kintsukuroi crouched on the roof, watching the woman be escorted to the station. Huffing out a laugh, she stood up and jumped towards the other roof. Maybe she should join that thing she'd been wanting to.

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