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Miharu laughed as Sero shut Tenya down. Tenya raced back to his seat as Jirou called out, "Guys, I hear steps!"

The door opened and Miharu stood up in her seat as did a few other students. Aizawa-sensei!

"Morning," Eraser-Aizawa sensei called out as he wobbled to the podium. 

As some of the students called out greetings and well wishes, Miharu stared. THAT MAN WAS STUMBLING! SENSEI WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK!? Miharu's hand twitched.

"My welfare isn't important. Your fight isn't over."

Miharu tensed as she slowly sat down, Sensei was setting a very very bad example. That and their fight...wasn't over? What was next? Miharu's mind didn't need any more nightmare fuel, she was already struggling with what she already had, thanks. 

"U.A's sports festival is approaching..."

The class started clamouring about how it might be unsafe with the villains still out there. Miharu's bandaged hands shook as she watched everyone discuss the importance of the sports festival. Koji-kun turned around and signed at Miharu.

'Are you okay?'

Miharu smiled faintly, though it probably appeared as a grimace. She shakily raised her hands and began to sign, keeping an eye out for anyone watching. 

'It's just that I'm more worried about Sensei than any festival.'

Koji nodded and didn't pry for more as it was time for Modern Lit. Miharu was glad, she really didn't feel like talking about it. She was glad she had such an understanding friend.

During lunch she sat with Hitoshi, waiting for the others to join them at the table, nibbling at her Indian chicken tikka and rice. She had been trying out new recipes cause why not. She had nothing else to do. The theatre where Miharu performed was gearing up for a fundraiser show next week and she had already memorised and perfected the role she was given in the musical. Her training was coming along nicely and she didn't want to overwork herself (lies. she barely slept. she couldn't back down) so she was left with spare time with nothing to do. Miharu shoved another piece of chicken in her mouth and mulled over everything that was happening.

The sports festival was upcoming and Miharu could understand the hype. It was their chance to declare to the world that they were here and they were ready to prove themselves. The sports festival had practically replaced the Olympics and almost everyone watched it. This was her chance! Her chance to show the world that Quirkless didn't mean useless! That it didn't matter what quirk you have unless you used it right. This was her chance to show all the other kids like her, that she understood and they weren't alone.

"HITOSHI!" Miharu looked up from her bento with determination, almost laughing at the startled and confused looks that came her way. 


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