Chapter 26

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Jade Chapter 26, a romance fiction |

The first thing Jade did upon stepping back inside the school entrance was walk straight toward the principal's office. The journey to Mrs. Sanchez door was familiar but this time there was no apprehension on her part.

Wendy had told her everything. It wasn't hard to get it out of her either. The girl was still intimidated by Jade and Jade hadn't given her the option to deny anything.

Mrs. Sanchez was in a meeting, as Jade was told by the secretary once she made it there.

So she sat down in the waiting area to wait. There was still time before the bell. While she waited, she thought back to the conversation she had with Wendy two days ago.

"So, let's just cut to the chase," Jade said as soon as Wendy sat down on the table across from her inside of Lucy's. "I know what's going on. I know your friend has been saying lies to Mrs. Sanchez about me and that she sent her cousin after me. You're going to tell me what she's planning next and if you are a part of it."

Wendy hadn't even taken off her jacket but Jade noticed that she didn't look worried. In fact she was pretty calm. "I'm not a part of it," she quickly denied. "I didn't have anything to do with that. She was getting information from your friend, Monica,"

Jade wasn't really surprised by that. Of course it would be Monica. That made sense. Monica knew that Jade would attend that away game. They had planned on attending together before they fell apart.

"What else?" Jade inquired.

"I don't know. She hasn't been telling me much lately-,"

"Don't patronize me, Wendy." Jade glowered.

"I'm telling the truth." She said back calmly. "She's been secretive and she's always talking about keeping your friends close and your enemy closer. That's why she invited you to her place for movie night. That's why she's been talking to Peter-,"

"Peter?" Jade questioned. What did he have to do with anything?

Jade suddenly remembered the get together and the boy she noticed sitting next to Amanda that night. It was Peter. Were they together?

"She found out that he was tutoring you and got information out of him. I don't know what information but she said she was going to use it against you and that you wouldn't be able to finish school."

Physics. She was on the verge of failing physics and without passing the class she couldn't graduate. Could that have been the information? Peter knew that but what did that mean? Was he in on it too?

"Who else is helping her?" Jade asked, now more than ever wanting to get to the bottom of it.

Wendy bit her lip nervously but after a moment she told the truth. "Laura, from student council, but Jade I don't think she wanted to be a part of it. Amanda's manipulative. She wanted me to hate you but yet she wanted for you to like her so you wouldn't suspect."

"So she's trying to get me expelled?" Jade concluded.

"I think so. She doesn't like you very much,"

"Yeah, I got that part down too." she replied in a dry tone.

"So you know why?" Wendy asked.

Jade nodded. "I figured it out."

She had figured it out.

It all started back during freshman year. Everything was new. The school, the people, the opportunities, especially to be known, popular. To be in.

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