Chapter 24

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Jade Chapter 24, a romance fiction |

Jade was laughing at a joke Kayla had made as they stepped inside of Elle Reed's party, more specifically the room labeled as The Indulgence Room.

Kayla had a few things to say about the theme.

Although her cousin had only been away for a few days, it was nice to have her back around, even if it was only for a short visit. Jade was already smiling more.

Like she had said she would, Kayla brought Tiffany along with her. Due to their past, Tiffany had been loyal to Kayla and hadn't been a fan of Jade but now that things were different, a truce had been made and the three of them stepped inside the New Years Eve party on a mission to have a good time.

"I say we start our indulgences with some shots." Kayla suggested, already heading toward the bar.

Jade and Tiffany exchanged amused glances and followed suit. They leaned against the counter, looking around while Kayla ordered the shots.

"That Elle Reed, she really goes all out, huh?" Tiffany asked Jade, looking around at the different activities in the room.

"You have no idea." Jade said, a look of amusement still on her face as she stared at a particular door where it seemed everyone was lingering outside of but nobody had any intentions of going inside, the word uncensored giving clear indication of its purpose.

Elle Reed never disappointed when it came to parties.

"Here you go." Kayla said, as she turned and handed around the shot cups. They each held them up and cheered to each other before drowning them down, with lime and salt.

"And another one!" Kayla was already gesturing for the bartender while Tiffany and Jade shared a laugh.


Jade's turned to face a smiling Louis as her laughter died down.

"Gorgeous as always, Jade Wilson. Keep smiling like that and you'll have all these guys at your mercy."

Jade rolled her eyes good naturedly. Louis had always been The Charmer. "Keep giving me compliments like that and I'll tell your girlfriend on you."

Louis just smirked. "I don't think she'd mind as long as she knows it's you that I'm complimenting."

Jade shook her head but smiled nonetheless, before introducing Tiffany and re-introducing Kayla to him.

"Ah, the evil cousin." Louis stated, smirking at Kayla. "I'm only repeating what I've heard."

Jade playfully slapped him across the arm, warning him to watch his mouth.

Kayla laughed but waved it off. "The feeling was mutual,"

"Well, I'm glad it no longer applies." Louis said. "You Wilson' girls are quite the catch, especially together." He winked at them.

Kayla giggled. "Well, aren't you the charmer. If our host hadn't snatched you up already, I definitely would have."

Jade held in her groan.

"Speaking of snatching up, mind if I borrow her for a minute?" Louis asked Kayla and Tiffany, referring to Jade.

"Oh, sure. We're just going to indulge ourselves to the rest of the vices. Take your time." Kayla grinned before dragging Tiffany toward the chocolate fountain, leaving Jade with Louis next to the bar.

Jade faced him, her eyebrow going up. "What's up?"

"I should be the one asking you that," he said cryptically.

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