Chapter 8

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Jade Chapter 8, a romance fiction |

Anne Bernard was all smiles the week of thanksgiving, especially on thanksgiving day when all of her volunteers came to help, all thanks to Ryan Parker. The boy had a bright future ahead of him. His parents, whom were good friends of hers, really raised him right. He, along with that little sister of his, were two of her favorite volunteers.

There was another who Anne was becoming fond of as well. At first she wasn't sure of the young troubled girl, but Mrs. Wilson was a dear friend and Anne decided to give her daughter a chance. A chance she realized she was glad that she took.

It was obvious that Jade was a troubled girl, not yet sure of herself or who she wanted to become. But for the last several weeks, Anne had noticed a change in the girl, and an incredible one it was.

"Jade, may I have a word?"

Jade looked up at Mrs. Bernard as she served one of the residents their meal and nodded. "Sure" She stepped away from her station while Mandy took over her spot and and followed Mrs. Bernard to her office.

Once they were inside, Jade faced her with tense shoulders, curious as to why she was called. Had she done something wrong? She couldn't remember. She had been nice to everyone as far as she knew. She always showed up at the shelter on time and helped clean up as well after dinner. Was someone not happy with the way she had been doing things?

Mrs. Bernard smiled at her hoping to wipe that look of worry off her face. "I just wanted to personally thank you for all your help these past couple of weeks."

Jade just stared at the older lady for a moment before her shoulders finally relaxed and she let out the breath she had been holding. Then realized what Mrs. Bernard had said. "Really?"

Mrs. Bernard laughed. "Don't sound so surprised. You've done a lot here, and it was a joy seeing all the donations coming in, especially all the winter garments we've received. From what I've heard, I'm to thank you for that as well."

" was nothing, I just mentioned it-,"

"Exactly. Ryan said you did, and it was very thoughtful of you. I just wanted you to know that the residents appreciate them and I personally appreciate it as well, so if there is ever anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate."

", thank you, Mrs. Bernard." Jade said, still in shock at the words she was hearing. She never expected to be thanked like that. She only spoke up when she needed to and it seemed it was a bigger deal than she thought.

"Of course. Now, get back to serving. We still have a lot of turkey left to pass out." Mrs. Bernard said.

Jade slightly smiled, used to Mrs. Bernard's playful commanding tone. "Yes, ma'am."

In the beginning of this, she hadn't been a big fan of Mrs. Bernard but that was another thing that had changed. Jade had learned to respect her and everything she did for their community. If there was ever a selfless woman, Mrs. Bernard was it.

"Oh, and Jade?"

Jade turned back around and faced Mrs. Bernard. "Yes?"

"Ryan, he's a good one." Anne winked at the young girl.

Jade merely raised an eyebrow as the words processed in her head. She blinked a few times as the meaning processed. Was Mrs. Bernard insinuating what she think she was? "Um, I'm gonna go." She quickly dashed out of the room and walked back to her serving station.


"Hey, Jade, wait up!" Mandy walked up to Jade as they walked out of New Haven from serving their community service for thanksgiving.

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