Chapter 14

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Jade chapter 14, a romance fiction|


"I'm coming over. I'll be there in 30 minutes."

Jade read the text from her phone but because she was halfway asleep, it didn't register. It wasn't until 45 minutes later that she realized who exactly was coming over.

"Wake up, you lazy bum, your mom said Joyce's game starts in 30 minutes." Kayla's voice reached her ears and she felt a shift on the edge of her bed where her cousin had sat down.

She popped one eye open. "What time is it? And when did you get here?" Jade drowsily asked.

"Just now. And it's 11 or so."

"The game doesn't start until 1:30." Jade pointed out before letting out an extended yawn.

Kayla just grinned. "I know, but it's a beautiful Saturday morning and you should be up anyway. What did you do last night? Or should I ask who did you do?" Kayla wriggled her eyebrows.

Jade tried not to roll her eyes as she sat up, noticing the luggage her cousin had brought along with her sitting on the floor. "No one."

"Boring." Kayla sing sang.

"How long are you staying?" She asked, still staring at the massive suitcase by her door.

Kayla looked away from her and quickly stood up before walking toward Jade's closet. "Oh, you know, just a few days. Hey, can I borrow this?" She suddenly asked, swiping a brown jacket from Jade's closet.

Jade shrugged, picking up on the way Kayla had avoided to meet her gaze and to directly answer her question regarding her sudden visit.

Kayla took off her own black jacket and put on the brown one, to match her brown boots. She turned back toward Jade who was still staring at her from the bed and frowned.

"Are you going to get up or not?" She asked, one hand on her hips. "I don't think Joyce will be happy if we're late."

Jade retained a sigh before finally deciding to move. "I'm going."

She made her way to her bathroom for a shower. Although she was still curious as to why Kayla had unexpectedly shown, she decided that she would breach that subject later.

Her thoughts took her back to the events of last night with Louis as the water streamed down her body.

After the vague discussion of Elle and Ryan, they had decided to leave Lucy's to head over to Louis' apartment. There they had settled on his couch, absently watching a movie.

Jade tried but she couldn't pay attention to the movie. She wanted to know more, about Elle and Ryan. She wanted to talk to Parker and find out exactly what Elle Reed had done to him. She was distracted and Louis had noticed. When he questioned her about it, she decided that it was best she went home.

Louis had looked disappointed at her decision to leave that early and Jade had to remind him that things were different now and nothing could happen again between them. Her relationship with Louis was in the past and she wanted to keep it that way. She refused to ruin their close friendship no matter the temptation. It would have been easy to hook up with him but Jade wouldn't allow herself to do it. With a promise to get together again soon, he had walked her to her car and she had driven straight home.

Although she was tempted to give Parker a call as soon as she made it home, she knew it was late and realized that she really didn't have any right to question him about Elle. Again, it wasn't any of her business, even considering that she had been compared to that dreadful girl and accused of trying to take advantage of Ryan's...kindness.

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